Chapter 1

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2 BBY. Gorse.

The Ghost crew flew to the planet Gorse in order to attack the base of the Empire and seize resources , which will go to the Rebellion. Captain Hera Syndulla was approaching the planet, next to her sat Kanan Jarrus - Jedi knight , master of Ezra Bridger and Hera's fiancé. He was looking at the planet. A smile appeared on his face.

"This is where we met." He said.

"And now we're coming back here , to attack the Empire's base. We've been flying constantly lately. We only return to the base when we have a whole ship full of supplies." She yawned. "There's never time for a break," she added.

"You should rest. I can feel the fatigue in you."

"That's okay. I can handle it. I'll do anything for the Rebellion."

"I insist." Kanan didn't let up. Syndulla looked at him. There were yellow bags under her eyes. She had not slept for an equal month. She ignored every request , to rest. Not only her life was suffering , but also the relationship with her family. The family , which she had formed.

Family for Hera was the most important thing. She created hers from scratch. It started with her and Chopper - an astromech droid who is very loyal to his owner. The third person was Kanan Jarrus - Jedi , who worked on Gorse. The fourth person was Zeb Orrelios - Lasat , who loves to fight against the Empire. The fifth person was Sabine Wren - Mandalorian and artist in one. A fan of explosions. At the end was Ezra Bridger. - Padawan Jedi , thief from the street and the youngest member of the crew , who tries to prove to everyone that he is the best. It works out poorly for him. Hera was proud of her family - she was proud of the people who were there. She will do anything for her family. 

TIE fighters flew toward them. Through the communicator, Hera ordered Zeb to occupy the cannons. Kanan went down and occupied the lower cannons. Ezra and Sabine were at the gangway , getting ready to jump.

"Ready for action Ez?" Sabine asked.

"As always Bine." The Jedi answered. Wren let out a small laugh.

"And as always, you'll have problems."

"I'm used to it." He muttered. "I'm a Jedi. I'll always have problems. Jedi are wanted. WE are wanted. I'm a Jedi, and I have to carry this burden of repulsion."

Sabine put her hand on his shoulder. "Ezra. I was only joking. You know that best."

"You are always joking. You are a joke , haven't you noticed that?" Bridger muttered again.

"Ezra!" Sabine burst out. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing. Fatigue. We're still flying. We keep delivering supplies to the Rebellion. Thrawn is chasing us. The Empire is chasing us. I want to rest."

"Like all of us. I dream of a decent nap." Then the ramp opened. Sabine and Ezra didn't wait for Hera's signal. They jumped off the ship and flew toward the pit. Both were wearing jetpacks. They were ready.

Sabine and Ezra landed on the ground. Wren took her blasters and started firing at the approaching stormtroopers. Bridger ignited his lightsaber and began deflecting the shots of the Empire soldiers and their side. Slowly they began to move forward, BOTH fighting the Empire forces as best they could. The Jedi moved forward and killed the enemies. Everyone fell from the slash of his green blade. As Ezra fought the stormtroopers , Sabine received a call from Hera.

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