Chapter 14 Puzzle 4

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As I opened my eyes, the sight of the puzzle taking the form of my mirror greeted me, and made me grab whatever was carrying me hard,


After hearing Sullivan screaming at me, I stopped grabbing him,

"Oops, sorry"

"Ahhhh. now, get down. you're really heavy"

"Oh ok. sorry. (da hell are ya sayin'?)"

After going down Sullivan's back. I eyed the puzzle again, to see that Sullivan solve it, just three pieces out of place

"Hey, why did you scream by the word mirror before going unconscious?"


I'm out of words. how can I say that this puzzle's taking the form of my mirror?

"Trying to lie yet more?"

"U-umm, look I-I... the thing is, this puzzle's taking the form of my mirror"

"And how can you be so sure?"

"... B-because... haaahhh, I just can't tell you how I'm sure just... solve the down part, and you will see it's broken to three parts, I counted them before"

After uttering those words, Sullivan turned to see if what I said is right,

"I didn't solve the down part yet"

And with what I said, he started solve it, I think it will take sometime. what should I do by then?.

"Sir, how much did I sleep?"

"Tow hours"

Wow، he do really have a strong will, to carry me first, and to solve this puzzle while carrying me second.

"Sir, can I help you?"

"Help me with what?. you can't move them with your weak hands"

"N-no, not that. I can tell you how to solve the rest of it"

"Really?. okay, tell me how"

The rest of it was piece of cake. the thing is, what happened after solving it?.

Now I want to talk with honesty, this puzzle weren't in the book, I don't why it came now, but I'm certain, that it have connections to my mirror. because...

Okay, anyone can say it's because the puzzle took it's form so, yes!.

After solving it, Sullivan got to the door but when he opened it suddenly the two of them opened not just the medium one, and it opened to a view full of roses.

"Sir, I don't think that's the headquarter's garden"

"Yeah. follow me"

I didn't really mind, and followed him since I don't want to stay in this place.

We walked, until we saw a medium-sized door, and his color were white.

Wow, like the garden isn't white enough. anyway, Sullivan knocked on the door, and after two seconds, we heard a soft voice from behind, making us turn around to see a blonde haired girl, wearing a white cathedral dress.

"Hi visitors. sorry for scaring you, but I'm not used for people coming to visit the cathedral from the garden"

"Sorry. Um..."

I looked at Sullivan, and found him a bit sad.

That's not the right time to remember your friends bro!!!

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Sorry we came here like that, maiden Ailsa"


Be sure to tell me your thoughts about this story. And support me so I could keep going.

Be sure to see the other stories since they are interesting too 😏.

Have a good day!!! 🐈.

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