chapter 12 Puzzle 2

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For being honest, I'm not good with puzzle or whatever, but I tried to understand the puzzle in front of me.

Looking at the door again. it had three lines, like it's telling me there is three verions of the door. one is small, and two is medium, and three is big.

I looked at the walls again. the walls had lines all over them, all the way to end at the top of the door.

I got closer to the door, and counted the lines. it were also three. so then, I have to use my brain here, to know what is the lines doing with the door.


After looking some more. and vomiting because of the room turning upside down sometimes.

I found the line between the big and small door missing, so I tried to find where did the medium door run away.

After searching for the stupid medium door. I sat on the ground sighing, and looking around the room once more.

Only to feel more bored and lay down on the ground.

"THE HACK!, how did the door go up there???????"

Seeing the door up on the roof, like it was the door to go from the room to the rooftop.

For real, am I in alice in wander lands???.

But, there is something wrong here, do I need to get there to go out of the room??.

Ha, don't tell me, I will get a seed from some rat coming from a hole.

...It actually won't happen, right??.

After looking around, if there were holes. wow the room's owner do take good care of this room.


The room changeed again, so the door's position too. this time, the small door did go to the left wall. I mean, my left the left that I see is the left, ahh anyway. and the big door made from two, is now on the roof this time.

What?, do they take turns on who be on the roof?.

After thinking for sometime, I tried to reach for the small door, and tried to open it.

It opened a little... FOR REAL IT DID OPEN?. wow really wow, I was thinking, it do need a key!.

So, I did squeeze myself through the crack I did succeed opening.

And smiled to the other side, only to be greeted by an empty room, and a key on the ground....AHHHH

I walked slowly, because I got afriad, I might die because of some sudden fire or whatever.

After taking the key, and squeezing myself again out of the room. I saw that the door, did change position again.

Okay, so... why do I need this key?.

Looking around. I found a new door...

Okay. now, it does seem a little scary. so I got to this decorated new door, and put the key in it's place, and opened it.

Pushing it was hard. so, I did squeeze myself out, and peeked inside for the last time.

"This place do still have part in the story... even though that just the medium door did have part in the story, but... I think there is things the story didn't talk about."

I turned to walk away from the door. the place was like the inside of the room, but it was a long path.

Now, I do remember this place. finally, somewhere did have a story in the book Different Person appeared.

This place did led Sullivan to the old lady, that I saw before, she can be anyone, man or a woman but no one know her real gender, but people do see her female more than male, so they did say she is a woman.

Sullivan did search for her, thinking she know something about what he is searching. but rather, she didn't know what he wanted, but acted she do, leding them to be enemys.

I think Sullivan didn't know about her in this turn yet, because she did get mentioned late in the book.

Okay end of speech. I got bored, saying this and that.

Walking took much time than what it have to take, AHH.

Wait, why is there storm of dust there?, no wait that's not dust.... THOSE ARE MONSTERS, AND THAT'S SULLIVAN.


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Be sure to see the other stories since they are interesting too 😏.

Have a good day!!! 🐈.

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