chapter 13 Puzzle 3

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Sullivan's sight fighting the monsters was... super cool for being honest, but. how did he got dragged alongside me to the Changing Position And Direction Place?.

As I did witness him fighting, he finished killing them, and came near me saying.

"You got dragged too?"

I shook my head trying to put those thoughts away for now.

Looking at him, he is all blood from the monsters... disgusting.

"Yeah. something pressed on my eyes, and another thing grabbed me"

Seeing Sullivan go past me, he do have a lot to do here in this part of the book. The book didn't mention why was he in such a hurry, but from his face I can guess he did have enough repeating by now.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Follow me"

"(So he don't want to talk about anything, ha?)"

Sullivan opened the door by his hand and got inside, and I followed him and sit down doing nothing.

What was he doing by going here and there putting the monster's blood on the lines?, ah wait!.

Is he trying to open the medium door?!.

I tried to stand up, but the same feeling of being pressed down by the earth's power came again, making me breath hard then before.

As I did close my eyes, I felt a hand grabbing me from behind.

Opening my eyes again, I breathed a long one and exhaled. looking around me, the place didn't change but the lines is full of blood.

As I was trying to stand up, I saw Sullivan moving something, what is that thing?.

I tried to call him, but I my voice was cut by a sudden warning sound, painted itself on the thing Sullivan was doing.

"For real. who did make something like that?"

I was walking slowly towards Sullivan, and touched his arm, making him look at me with a questioning face.

I tried again to say something, but my voice didn't come out.

"Ahhh, this is a thing to open the big door, if you know what I mean."

I nodded and looked at the thing. it looks like any puzzle you can buy from the shop, but here each piece is the size of Sullivan's hand.

I stood beside him, staring at the puzzle he's trying to solve.

The puzzle do seem familiar, but I didn't try to say anything, instead, I walked backwards, facing the puzzle with it's full size.

I think... I'm going insane now. why... why is this puzzle's taking the form of my mirror?


I pointed at the puzzle in fear, and tried to utter something, anything!, but my voice didn't come yet again!!!.

Sullivan turned to know where am I, and got shocked because of my fearful face, like I'm seeing death himself.

He runned at me and shook me hard enough to get me out of whatever is in my head, and eventually I uttered something,



I pointed again at the puzzle,


After this word all energy left my feet and my body fell down.

The last thing I saw was the puzzle, and the last thing I felt was Sullivan grabbing me.

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