40 - Divided we fall.

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"How... How are you three?"

Ardun, Lot and Jwala stared ahead at the figure that was unmistakably their long-lost sister. Jwala sniffed, heavily, wiping his tears away before they would drop. "U-Ugh... Why am I crying...?"

Lot giggled, placing his hand on his younger brother's shoulder, reassuringly. "I told you. You're such a crybaby ...!"

Jwala clenched his fists. "I don't care!" He flew towards his younger sister and hugged her head, rubbing his knuckles over her head, playfully. "You stubborn little sister!! I told you to stay close to us!!"

Lot went to his sibling's side with a big smile. "Glad to have you back, little sister."

The eldest's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. Ardun was completely numb. He couldn't seem to form a sentence from the millions of thoughts running through his mind. All he could do was stare.

The resurrected woman tilted her head, a kind smile playing on her face. "What's wrong brother? Have I left you without words?"

Ardun let out a half chuckle, tearing his gaze from the girl to take a breath. "I... Yes. Yes.... you have." Ardun said under his breath. He heaved a big sigh. "Well then..."

Ardun stuck his palm out in from of him, a darkening shadow lowering over his face. Tension filled the atmosphere. "Tell me who you really are." Crumbling rock began to appear in his hand, covering each bit of skin until the rocks formed a glove of stone.

"Ah..." Nova watched as her older brother lifted his arm and a powerful blow was beginning to fall her way. Ardun would feel no remorse whether the "fake" Nova got heavily injured, or even died. He only believed... That wasn't his sister.

The fist gloved in rock and stone swung down in Nova's direction at an incredible speed. She watched as the giant hand neared her face, but as she soon as she blinked, she was pushed out of the way with a heavy push.

Nova groaned. "What was..." She rubbed her side where she had been pushed. Ilpyo stood in front of her, with his back towards her and both of his hands behind his back to secure her safety. "You...!" She gasped, recognizing the man almost immediately.

Ilpyo looked over her shoulder with a slight grin. "I would've liked a better reunion than this... But this'll have to do." He shrugged. "I'm still so happy to see you, ...Nova..."

"Hojosa!!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the fox with a tight squeeze. "It's been... too long..." She sniffed, hiding her face in his neck.

Ilpyo was left speechless. "Ah..." He frowned. Did she not see him when she looked his way? It seemed that she suddenly only saw the fox behind his eyes. And it hurt.

"Nova..." Ilpyo said suddenly. He placed his hands over the girl's shoulder's and pushed her away slightly. "You... don't recognize me?"

Nova tilted her head in slight confusion. She smiled, perplexed. "Yes... of course I do. You're my dear fox."

Ilpyo, somewhat disoriented, opened his mouth to speak, but before getting a chance to mutter a single word, an attack flew from behind. Ilpyo whipped around and placed his hands forward to defend himself and Nova from the ambush.

The eldest continued firing towards the two, relentlessly. His two younger brothers, though, tried their best to stop him. Lot flew in front of his older brother's line of vision. "Ardun!! Brother!! Stop this!!"

Jwala collected his flame and shot them upward in a swift motion to block his brother's heavy attack. "Bro!! Please!! Wait a second!"

Ardun put a pause to his attacks filled with rage. He stuck his finger towards Nova's direction, who was still being protected by Ilpyo. "Whoever you are, drop your filthy and treacherous disguise!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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