30 - Hojosa. Brotherhood.

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Years ago... Before The King ever found Nova's weakened form in the forest... Before he ever took her into his home and taught her everthing she knew...she was actually her own person. She didn't belong to anybody. She only wished to be true to those who loved and took care of her.

The King wasn't the only "ruler", to say, that had took Nova in. The first time he took her in, after being created and losing her way, was an Emperor. The same emperor that the fox god was loyal to. The Great Jade Emperor.

In reality, the Great Jade Emperor and the King are the same person. But at some point that Nova's memory was wiped, she was led to believe that they weren't.

Before the fox god began to serve under the Emperor, the ruler found the girl first.

"Who are you?" The Emperor asked, approaching the girl, cautiously.

"Ah..!" The girl backed away from the stranger. Her face was filled with fear. And physically, she was a mess. Her hair was ruffled, her face was filled with dirt and mud as if she had fallen into a puddle.

Her elbows and knees were scraped and she had three large slash marks on her neck as if she had been attacked by a beast.

But even with the dirt and scratches, the Emperor noticed a beauty behind the eyes of the lost young girl.

The Emperor approached the girl despite her fearful expression.

The grirl whimpered, shutting her eyes tight as the man held her hand. "Come, dear. Don't be afraid."

The girl felt the Emperor help her to her feet slowly. "Careful, now."

The Emperor helped the girl walk, step by step till reach the tamed animal the Emperor rode. The ruler raised the girl up onto the animal.

"Are you alright?" The emperor asked, holding the girl's cold hands as the animal began to slowly make its way towards the kingdon form which it came from.

The girl shyly stared at the Emperor with fear still lacing her eyes. But this time she held yet another expression. Curiosity.

"Go with them. They will get you cleaned up and dressed into some more suitable clothing." The Emperor told the girl.

Th3r girl extended her hand towards the Emperor with a small squek as she was dragged away by some women.

Not too long went by after, when the girl was quickly brought back out again to be present before the Emperor.

"My, my. Look at you, my dear." The Emperor praised. The girl walked into the main hall with weary eyes as she wore a gorgeous gown that still didn't come close to the beauty its wearer held.

"You look stunning, my child." The Emperor said. "Come. Sit here." The Emperor gestured over to a small yet accommodating throne that sat a stair under the Emperor's throne.

"You will sit here." The Emperor said with glee. The girl stumbled slightly as she tried to coordinate herself while walking up the stairs to the silver throne.

Her fingers slowly grazed the surface of the throne. "..." She was in awe yet wasn't able to say a thing.

"Do you like it, dear?" The Emperor asked. The girl nodded, quietly, sitting down on the rather cold seat.

The God of High School: A Nightmare Come TrueOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant