23 - His Awakening.

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"ARG!" Nova frustratingly yelled out. Her eyes wandered around her dark surroundings, trying to find a way out. A sharp pain struck the back of her head. She hissed. 

"What now?" She groaned. The Dragon growled, not giving her a clear answer. 

"AUGH , THIS IS SO ANNOYING! I've been in here for hours! What am i supposed to do?! I can just sit here on my ass not doing anything! I need to help my friends!" 

The Dragon huffed. "There is nothing you CAN do, except train." 

Nova tilted her head, turning to face the ancient dragon. "Train how?" 

"Tell me. Since your younger years in that form, you learned to defend yourself from the boy's grandfather, correct?"

Nova nodded slowly. 

"Well, then, if you already know that, then you should start to refresh your mind on what you have forgotten and left behind." 

"Which is?" Nova groaned. The Dragon growled. "Your elements, child." 

"Oh." Nova muttered. "O-Okay then, where do i start?" She said, bending her foot, awkwardly. The Dragon tilted its head. Let mem start out by saying the controlling your elements without a single memory will be difficult." The Dragon said, with a growl. Nova stared down at the floor.

"But..." The Dragon chirped. "I assume there will be an awakening soon. You just have to be in the right place at the right time." It said. Nova frowned. "What do you mean?"

The Dragon growled. "You'll see very soon." 

"Fine...then, can you at least tell me how can i start controlling my elements?"

The Dragon stared at Nova. "You tell me."

Nova scoffed. "Are you kidding me?!? You're supposed to be some type of all knowing Dragon-- and you don't even know what I'm supposed to do-?!"

"Ancient. Not all-knowing." The Dragon corrected. Nova huffed. "OKAY WHATEVER! Just tell me how to start and I'll go from there!" 

The Dragon groaned, floating above the girl's head. "Start with the basic four elements."

"Okay...okay, so...Fire-?" 

The Dragon threw its head back, its laugh howling through the dark abyss. Nova deadpanned. "WHAT?!?!"

"My dear," The Dragon laughed. "You are not how you used to be, which includes your body and skills. You have no knowledge on how to control the elements in that form. How do you expect to start with the most chaotic element?" 

Nova froze. "W-well..." She shifted her footing, sighing. "Look... I'm new to all of this. I don't have my memories yet, so can you please dial the teasing down a bit?" She grunted. The Dragon growled, lowly, nodding. "My apologies." 

Nova stuck her nose up. "Hmph. Anyways, lets start, shall we?" 




Mandeok chuckled, staring up at the older man representing the Six. The Great Magician. 

"I expected nothing less. You are quite amazing... Simultaneously teleporting all the people in Seoul." He said, emotionless. "This might buy yourself some time but-"

The Magician gave a raspy chuckle. "Don't get me wrong, young man. I'm going to completely destroy your god."

Mandeoo grinned. "Are you speaking nonsense now, after using up so much of your power?"

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