14 - Afraid.

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"Mm...." I shuffle awake as i feel the light of the sun flood the room. My face feels warm as i move to get up. My feet guide me to the bathroom close by. I open my eyes, grogily, and stretch my arm towards my toothbrush. I do my normal morning routine and then I realize... The design on the house looks familiar. Wait...this isn't Mori's house...! 

I almost trip as i run out of the bathroom searching for any sign of Mori. 

"MORI?!? MORI WHERE ARE YOU??!?" I scream at the top of my lungs only to be greeted with a groan. 

"Honey, who's Mori?" 

I snap my head around seeing my mom. 

"Mom...?" I frown in disbelief. "How...?"

"Honey...? Who's Mori? Are you okay? You were asleep for a long time. I already called the doctor to come over and he did. He said that you just needed a bit of sleep. Everything's okay sweetie." My mom smiles, but not like she used to. Not her sweet, warm smile. This smile was different. It seemed almost... abnormal. 

"Y-you're not my mother....this...this isnt real...! This can't be REAL!! WHO ARE YOU?!?" I yell until my lungs burn. My mom frowns and then a closed eyed smile takes over her face.

She smirks

"You're smarter than i thought. But i guess you were always the clever one, weren't you, Nova?" 

My surroundings start to turn dark and begin to dissolve. The ground hardens and I'm not in my old home anymore. 

"What- WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yell but its no use. My "mom" turns her back on me and slowly walks away. I get chills all over my body and i start to run. I run and run but i dont seem to get anywhere. 

My head aches and it seems that i was running out of breath. In this moment of despair i only seem to be able to scream out one name. 


I slump to my knees, confused. What's happening? This has to be another dream...

I hold my head in my hands and i feel a strong hand lay on my shoulder. "Mori-?!" I stop short and my breath seems to be caught in my throat. 

"Not quite." The man smirks. 

Definitely not Mori...but the King...

"So this is you huh?! What are you doing to my mind, OLD MAN?!?" I glare at the King that stood in front of me, towering over my slouched figure. 

"Ha ha...you still call me that? I thought you would've forgotten that name already. How long has it been? Do you even remember?" He chuckles, lowly, sending shivers down my spine. 

"What...is going on?" I glare deeply, making sure my gaze doesnt falter. 

"Me? Oh no...i barely did anything at all. You're the one who's in MY head." He sighs. I cringe, confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, dear, I'm as confused as you are. I havent seen you in centuries." He laughs, hoarsely. "You have a lot of explaining to do. You've somehow been able to get into my head in my sleep. But, anyways, you've always had a lot of talents i never knew of. YOU probably dont even know half of them either. You've never really needed to reach your full potential anyways. It would be a waste of energy." He laughs. 

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you serious? How can YOU know more about me than ME?" 

"Oh dear, so you really dont remember? Huh...well child, its because I was the one who basically raised you." I flinch at the King's words, but he continues. 

"Ok, lets try to trigger some memories...okay? I found you one day, when I was out with a friend. You were lost, afraid and you didnt even know your own name. I took you back to my home to help you-"

"BULLSHIT. You probably only saved me because of my power." I sneered at the old man and he laughs. 

"Aha! And that's when things got interesting. After i had taught you everything-"

"Almost everything." My gaze begins to soften.

"Ah...so you're getting some memories back, huh? Haha, anyways, after you had found out my true motives-- you ran away-- escaped- how ever you want to put it. You went to a vendors facility selling weapons." 

"....how do you know that?" I asked, suspicious.

"Oh, dear, i know EVERYTHING about you." The King smirks. "I guess that's when you met the Monkey King, right?" He asks, hoping to get something out of it.

"....I sold him the pillar. Yeoui." I frown as memories flood my mind. 

The King laughs, "Yes, you did. And then you what? Oh right. You fell in love, didnt you?" The King scoffs. "Oh but the consequenses for that didnt follow too far behind, am i right?" The King laughs wholeheartedly, but I only ball up my fist, growling. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! UGH! YOU PISS ME OFF!" I yell frustratingly. The King lifts a hand. "Oh but i am correct?" He smiles, sinisterly.

"N-no! He had to....he had to have a reason for leaving me! He probably did to save me-" 


I stumble backwards, pulling my knees close to my chest. My hands start to tremble. I wasn't the strong goddess i was before. Or actually, i wasnt ever that strong goddess people said i was and put me up to be. I had a fear. And before i even met the Monkey King, that fear didnt exist. It didnt even exist when I was with the King.

I...I was afraid....of being rejected. Fear of not being loved... Because that's all i wanted... But I wasnt afriad of random people, who praised me, hating me or rejecting me... I was afraid of Jaecheondaesong rejecting me- hating me...

"No...n-no its not true...you're lying! I cant trust you." 

"Oh but you can, dear. I'm the only one you can trust. And if you still dont believe me then, how about I grant you all your memories? All your wishes...? You wont have to travel anywhere to get them back. I can just give them to you now." The King smiles. But I see a hiding meaning behind his words.

"NO! I wont get mt memories back from YOU. You'll just want to trick me again! I wontget my memories from you, I know where my memories are!! And I'm going to get them back!! I dont care if instill have to wait months to get to the place where i need to be...i'll get them soon...WITH my friends. The people who actually care about me and dont want my power." I stand up and turn my back towards the King. 

"And how do you know they don't want your power? Humans are power hungry. And you know that well." The King's voice echoes in my head. 

"No...they're not like that...." I whisper. 

I can already feel the King smiling. He sighs behind me and i feel his steps receding. 

"That Jin boy..."


"Oh nevermind..." The King laughs and i turn around as quick as i can...

"Wait! What-"

...but he's already gone.




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