33 - Ready. I think I'm in love with you.

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Bishop Byron disappears in a flash and appears behind King Uma with a smirk. He swipes his spear upwards, the vines from the staff beginning to curl around King Uma.

After having killed one of his own priests, the bishop had gotten faster.

"Eat up!!" The bishop sang. The small green vines grew mouths similar to Tam's at the tips of each one. They began to latch onto Uma's body in different areas and sucked on her blood, the blood sliding down her leg.

In less than a second, King Uma's body was frail and skinny, her skin stuck to her bones as she swayed from side to side, her muscles losing form and her skin turning into crisp.

That didn't stop her though. She placed her thumb in her mouth, blowing air out as if to pop her ears. But instead, her body regains its form as before and she seems completely unaffected.

Bishop Byron flinches. "Huh?!"

Uma's face darkens in anger, and she curls up her fists, punching the bishop into the air with great force.

While he falls back to the ground, King Uma holds her hands together, a light beginning to shine in her palms as she summoned her greatest weapon.

"Pacho. Show yourself."

She grips her weapon tightly, swift attacks causing the entire building to rumble and crack.

Bishop Byron, while running towards Uma, began to feed his living spear each and every one of the priests that were close by for his own benefit.

His eyes shone, revealing the NOX sigh clear in his eyes.

The bishop's staff continued to feed on the priests that had come to help out the bishop. The staff grew to the size of the castle as the bishop felt empowered by the new improved weapon.

King Uma chuckled, mockingly as she began to summon a new power. Or better said, a power that she had sealed away.

Pacho grew taller than the already tall King Uma and its flaps grew to an abnormally bigger size.

King Uma smirked. "It's been a while since Pacho has shown its real form- moo!!"

And as King Uma and Bishop Byron, both attacked each other... the building was split in half and the two powers clashed, heavily.




After being trapped in her own mind by the sacrament...

Nova huffed, heavily, as her arms burned, and her legs ached. Above all her heart clenched in her chest and she began to feel nothing else but an anger burns deep inside.

"Am i ready?" She muttered. Her fingers trembled from the fire that burned her skin and the vines that punctured her muscles.

The dragon stared her down. "Not yet."

Nova stared at the ground, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists.

Nova's past form, that stood next to the dragon, eyed the girl's dark expression, wearily. "You haven't gotten completely used to the elements yet. And without your memories, it could take you years to-"

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT." A dark fire erupted on the girl's body, consuming her.


The God of High School: A Nightmare Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now