~ Chapter 56 ~ Oh Barbatos.. What Angelic Words You Speak..

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

~* Yawn *~

" H- huh?"

" Neuvillette?" I called

Where's this Sovereign now.

Do you know how traumatic it is to not wake up next to him.

I stood up and got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

" There you are." I spoke going to hug him

" Morning Mon Amour." He spoke as I hugged him

" Morning Neuvi." I said kissing him on the cheek

I then pulled away from the hug and started to walk towards the bedroom until a wall of Hydro stopped me.

I turned around to look at Neuvillette and he held up his hand as if he was holding the wall of Hydro up.

" What's this about now?" I asked pointing to the wall blocking me

" Sit." He commanded

" I beg your pardon?"

" Sit." He repeated pointing to a chair on a dining table

" Neuvillette what are you-."

" If you do not sit I'll make you."

" Make me then." I spoke smirking

" That would involve hurting you Mon Wrio. Just sit for me will you?"

" Alright. Alright.." I spoke walking to the dining table

I then sat down on the chair and Neuvillette started walking towards me with a plate of food.

" Tea Break Pancakes. A Monstadt Breakfast Dessert Specialty." He spoke as he put a plate of pancakes in front of me

" This is all you wanted me to sit for? To try your cooking." I spoke laughing lightly

" Well yes!" He spoke smiling as he went back to fetch something else

He then returned with a tea cup in hand.

" Here. I believe it's called Cecilian Herbal Tea. I got some this morning before you woke up." He explained whilst putting a piping hot cup of tea next to my pancakes

" Wow Neuvillette I wasn't expecting this.. Thank You love. I do appreciate it!" I spoke as I smiled at him

" But if I may ask. Where is your food love?" I quickly added

" I already ate in the early hours of the morning. I just made your food a bit later as I knew you would wake up later than me." He replied

" Say Neuvillette, what time did you wake up?"

" At 4:30 AM." He replied innocently

" Why so early Dear.."

" Four Am is not Early." He retorted

" For a normal human it really is. If you had to ask Furina to wake up at 4:30 in the morning she would create a fuss or not even do it."

"Furina isn't a God Wriothesley. She's a human meaning she has a human clock like you." He replied bluntly

" Fair Point." I said as I took a bite of the food

Whilst chewing the food I came across an amazing idea.

I then started to make a face signaling utter disgust.

" Neuvillette what is this sh*t?" I spoke as I swallowed the food

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