~ Chapter 45 ~ This Gold Dust Is Everywhere!

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I walked into Neuvillette's office to go and see him after a long day of work at Meropide. It was already heading for evening as it was 5:18 PM. I walked into the Palais Mermonia and was greeted by Sedene by the Reception.

" Evening Duke Wriothesley!" The melusine shouted so happily

" Eveneing to you too Sedene." I replied with a smile

I then walked to Neuvillette's office doors and opened them to find him sitting on he desk looking as confused as ever.

" Ah- Wrio. You came." He started

" Of course I did, Is there anything you need me for?"

" We have a new mystery to solve. And I hate to be the one to say this. But care to assist me?" He asked

Wow- was the Iudex of Fontaine asking for help? This is sure new.

" Yea. I don't mind helping you at all Neuvi, what's the problem?" I asked

" The gold dust we saw in your office the other day, It's been making more appearances around Fontaine. Enough appearances to even attract Fontainians. Fontainians say that it appears for a second in front of them but disappears."

" I see, I do have information on this mysterious Gold Dust though."

" Please tell me anything you know." He asked

" Oh yea I will.. Only if you give me a kiss." I replied smirking

" Oh-?" He replied starting to smirk as well

I then saw him disappear from his desk and appear straight in front of me.

" Doesn't teleporting exhaust you my Neuvi," I said standing up to match his height

" For you it doesn't matter. I could teleport all day for you and be exhausted. Only for you Wrio."

" My my.. Seems you're a bit obsessed with your Duke aren't you?"

" Correct indeed.. I am."

" Then why don't y-."

But before I could finish he pinned me up against a nearby wall kissing me on the lips Softly and Deeply.

He then pulled away after and smiled.

" Satisfied?" He asked

" Most definitely." I Replied smirking

He then sat back on his desk chair and I sat on a couch near his desk.

" So? What intel can you give me?" He asked

" The day where you teleported out of your office and into your home, I walked along the path you made me and caught sight of that Shimmer of Gold for a few minutes. It was as if it was trying to enter the pathway I was walking on."

" I did make that Pathway so that no one may enter but you and I.." He replied

" Yeah well that Gold Dust or whatever it was, was trying to get onto the pathway I was on but failed so then it disappeared. But when I knocked on your door someone opened it. And when I mean someone I mean you, You opened it."

" But that impossible I was in my room the entire time."

" Excatly, how I found of this person who opened the door wasn't you because, they were acting way to Formal with me. Even when I held them but their throat they lectured me in a normal voice and not a stern one. Not to mention their eyes were similar to yours but not, the eyes were the same colour. But the Lizard like pupils were not there."

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