~ Chapter 22 ~ Ok But How Am I Going To Ask Him Out?

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I went outside my office in Meropide to go and  wait for Colette to arrive, I asked her to come so we can talk on how I would ask Neuvillette out.

" You really went out of your office to wait for me." Colette spoke while approaching me

" Well. I am desperate for a way to ask Neuvillette out."

" Understandable."

She then walked into my office and I followed her, we both sat on a couch with teacups and a pot filled with Light black tea in the middle. On a coffee table.

" How do you plan on asking your little Boyfriend out?" She started

" Well, to start the problem is he is really confused in his life and this relationship with me. Don't get me wrong he loves me. He really does but. He explained to me the other day that he can get an emotion overload."

" Emotion Overload?" She repeated sounding a bit confused

" Yup an Emotion Overload. He says it's when he experiences way to many emotions at once and doesn't know which one to feel, so he's emotions and feelings just get to a point where there to much and then he freeze's like he literally freezes in place."

" the Ludex? Freezing in place because of too many emotions. Wriothesley I'm finding this a bit hard to believe." She explained

" Well unfortunately it is true. And when I ask him to be my Boyfriend. I wouldn't want for him to freeze during my asking."

She just looked at me in confusion but slowly started to understand where I was coming from.

" understood, But what are your ideas?" She asked

" We start in his office do some cuddling kiss-."

" I- I don't need to hear all the details." She interrupted

" You're so Dramatic. I was saying We Will start in his office and we'll do those things. But then I will ask to take him to the Fountain of Lucine and exchange a few words before I ask him to by my Boyfriend." I explained

" it's a wonderful plan Wriothesley really but. How do you plan on explaining the concept of a boyfriend to him?"

" I've had that taken care of Furina said he has something to explain that stuff to him. And he will be reading or getting information about it tomorrow." I replied

" Well then it all works out. Neuvillette understand the concept of a boyfriend and your plan seems wonderful it should go very well!" She exclaimed

After she said this I couldn't help but think what would go wrong? Because nothing could go wrong? Right?

" Wriothesley?" Colette questioned

" Uh yes?" I replied quickly

" You seem lost in Thought?"

" Anything wouldn't go wrong when I ask him this right?" I asked sounding a bit worried

" Aw Wriothesley, I promise nothing of that sort will happen. It will go as smoothly as it can I promise you." She replied

I then took a deep breath after this making sure to tell myself it will be ok. I'm just a bit nervous as anyone would be.

"But Wriothesley, Do you really love Neuvillette."

" Colette, what question is that now? We both know the answer to that question." I responded a bit confused

" I know Wriothesley, but I must remind you Neuvillette is a dragon. And remember he isn't a human nor does he have normal human behaviour. He will get extremely possessive in some instances whi-."

" But Colette I-." I interrupted

" I wasn't finished Wriothesley. He will become possessive in some instances Wriothesley very possessive of you. While keep in mind you will have to explain human emotions he feels and doesn't understand. But also remember to not baby him as he is not a child, he is a young sovereign bur remember do not baby him. The experience after won't be the best."

I just sat there in shock with my jaw slightly open. As I do not know where she gets all this information from and the way she recited it to me. But as I turned to look at her again she looked worried for some reason.

" Colette? Is anything the matter?" I asked

" Uh- No Wriothesley." She replied quickly

" You're lying and I can see right through you." I replied

" You're not ready for this type of information yet. I apologise." She explained

What? What does she mean type of information? Is it gonna basically ruin my life if she tells me it? Come on she has to tell me!

" Colette!!" I nagged

" I'm sorry Wriothesley, but I cannot tell you. I would rather let Neuvillette tell you at his own time." She replied

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance because she refused to tell me because how bad could It possibly be?

" Come on! Colette it can't be that bad! Just tell me."

She shook her head in response. And then took the last sip of her tea. She then began to stand up and head for the door.

"Whaa? Hey! No goodbye or any good luck?" I exclaimed before she left

She chuckled lightly and smiled as she stood by the staircase leading down.

" Well, if you want a goodbye and good luck wish here you go, I really do hope you and Neuvillette both have a bright future together filled with love and happiness only! I love you Wriothesley as my best friend. And am really happy that you have found an individual that can make you really happy. I wish you the best of luck as You ask the question tomorrow."

" W- Wow.." I muttered slightly

But before she could leave I grabbed her arm pulling her into a hug. A hug of thanks and I know how to take the next step now.

" You're welcome, Duke of Meropide." She said whilst laughing a bit

" Thank you Colette, really thank you! I can't wish for a better friend than you!" I said whilst smiling

She then left my office and I went to go and look in a mirror

" I Got This." I exclaimed to myself still looking myself in the mirror

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