~ Chapter 43 ~ Why Is Everyone Being So Joyful Towards The Iudex?

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

I was walking to Meropide to go see Wrio, when I felt a strange elemental energy in the city. It never made sure to me what is was but I just left it as it really could not be much of a matter.

As I made it to the entrance I went down the elevator. And once reaching the ground floor I was greeted by many smiles and looks of joy.

" Afternoon Monsieur Neuvillette!" An inmate said with a bright smile

" Hope you have a fantastic day Monsieur!" Another one added

I just nodded in response to their greetings but knew deep inside I really enjoyed how they greeted me. As for the surface.. everyone is mostly afraid of me up there, Yet I always wonder why..

I walked to the reception and was greeted by the receptionist.

" Afternoon! Monsieur! Hope you're having an outstanding day! The flowers you have requested are right here." She spoke showing me the bouquet

" There beautiful." I replied

" Im glad to hear that from you Monsieur, Here you go." She said handing me the bouquet

" Thank you."

" You're welcome!" She replied with a smile

I then began to walk through Meropide flowers in hand ready to see Wrio.

" Have an outstanding day Monsieur!!" A voice sounded

" Thank you for all you for Fontaine!" Another one added again

Wow- something must have really changed down here.. everyone is so..


I made it to Wriothesley's office and knocked on the door.

I heard someone say come in so I let myself in closing the door behind me.

" Neuvi how many times must I say you don't have to knock." His voice sounded

I just chuckled and walked up the stairs, once I was up all the stairs he saw me and caught site of the flowers.

" Flowers?" He questioned

" Not any type of flowers, Wrio" I said

He then started to stand up from his desk and come view the flowers, he walked up to my and first kissed me on the cheek.

" My my Neuvi. There stunning." He spoke admiring them

" Well then." I spoke handing him the bouquet

" Uh!? It's for me?" He questioned

" Why of course. Who else would a combination of Black, Crimsion red and Maroon colored roses be for?" I said with a smile

" Aww Neuvi. You mean the world to me!" He spoke

He then pulled me into an embrace. After a minute or two he pulled away.

I then proceeded to reach the flowers out to him for him to take them.

He smiled and reached for the flowers.

" Thank you Neuvi." He spoke taking the flowers

" Your Welcome my Wrio." I said with a smile

He went and put the flowers on his desk. And motioned for me to follow him to a seating area in his office, I then followed him and we both sat down next to each other. While we sat Wrio did move a bit closer than usual.

" Anything wrong dear?" I asked sounding a bit worried

" Not really.. something slipped my mind I guess.." He replied sounding confused

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