~ Chapter 50 ~ Can Someone Give Neuvillette A Book Of Definition's.

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~ This Chapter Is Still Part Of The Birthday Chapters! Enjoy!

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I immediately felt a force close my eyes shut.

" AW COME ON NEUVILLETTE! REALLY?" I yelled out in frustration

I heard so response but the force left my eyes and I immediately opened them and then saw Neuvillette, wearing clothing!!! Ughh!! I was so close yet so far!

He's whole face was red, And he looked extremely flustered. I just started at him annoyed then walked out of his room clicking my tongue.

That's so unnecessary! Plus why would he care that I saw him naked. We're together? Some dramatic ass Sovereign.

I then walked downstairs not caring if the pots were to burn and sat on the couch with a bit of an angry face on.

I then saw Neuvillette walk down the stairs and into the living room. I flashed him a glare as he walked to his kitchen. But felt bad immediately after I did so, when he caught site of my glare shortly after I heard small raindrops hitting a window.

" Great." I muttered to myself.

I then sighed as I stood up to the go the kitchen and see him. I walked to the kitchen and say him dishing up food. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He then turned around slowly and I saw a tear fall from his face.

Neuvillette is really fragile isn't he? Damn I feel incredibly bad now..

I then pulled him into a hug whilst kissing his forehead.

" Sorry. I didn't mean anything that I did." I spoke softly

I then heard muffled sniff in my embrace.

" Please don't cry.." I asked softly

I continued holding him as he calmed down in my arms.

After a few minutes he pulled away. But he did not look well at all. He looked extremely tired whilst also looking like he was about to faint.

" Hey Neuvi- you alright?" I asked sounding a bit worried

" I- I'm Fi-." He tried to speak before his eyes closed shut.

Next thing I knew he had collapsed.

I acted fast and caught him before he hit the ground.

I swear if this is one of his Dragaphylactic Shocks. He better have a good reason for it.

I carried him over to a couch and lay him down. I then sat next to him, waiting for him to wake up.. he should wake up right? He's a Sovereign a simple fall can't kill him right?

A few minutes go by and I hear a voice call me.

" Wrio?" He called slowly starting to sit up.

" Ah- your awake."

" I fainted didn't I?"

" Yes you did- Wait what? How do you know you fainted?"

" Erm-."

" Just speak Neuvillette." I said sounding a bit annoyed

" Did I do anything wrong to you Wrio?" He asked sounding a bit worried

I held back the urge to say yes and replaced it with no.

" N- No you didn't." I forced out

" You're acting odd towards me."

" You did nothing wrong Neuvillette. Just why did you faint?" I asked sounding more annoyed this time.

He simply looked at me with a rather cold expression and stood up.

" If you are annoyed and do not wish to talk, I will leave." He spoke as he walked away

Damn it Neuvillette. Why do you have to be so difficult?

I saw him go to the kitchen and then return with two plates of food. Ah he made Secret Sauce BBQ Ribs.

My favourite... heh-.. let me just clear up things with him. It will be better that way.

He put the plates on the table and sat down and started to eat without me. I however didn't get affected and stood up a smirk on my face.

~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

Wriothesley started to walk towards me with a smirk on his face. What am I in for now? I thought..

He was soon close to me and I looked at him from where I was Sitting, he looked down on me with a bit of a mischievous smile.

" Stand up for me Neuvillette." He asked whilst chuckling

" What happens if I stand up?" I asked rasing an eyebrow

He then started to grin which made me even more suspicious.

" Neuvillette! ZHONGLI IS BY THE DOOR!" He screamed

I immediately rose from my seating turned to the door no one was there. I then turned angrily to Wrio.

" Wriothesley that is no-."

My words were cut of as I was immediately taken ahold of. Wriothesley pinned me to a wall near the dining table, but before I could say anything he's lips pressed on mine, blocking me from saying anything. He then pulled away and moved a piece of hair from my face and kissed me again, this time on my neck and Hard.

" Ngh!" I moaned

Oh Sh*t I just moaned, as a Iudex.. Wrio is gonna tease me forever because of that.. naturally because of my sound. I turned into a hot mess my face completely red.

" I like it when you make that sound dear Iudex." Wrio spoke softly

He then kissed me on the cheek and went to go sit and eat his food.

I was then left my body up against the wall as flustered as ever. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. My body is completely stunned from the event that just happened.

" Thanks for making my favorite!" He spoke with a smile

I then turned to look at him my facial expression still a bit shocked.

" I- I- I'm G- Glad you like it W- Wrio." I managed to say

" You're so cute when you stutter." He said taking a bite of his food

I managed to sit down, And slowly start regaining my emotions again. Once I was stable and Wrio saw I was back to my normal self. He began to speak

" So, Neuvi.." he started

I lifted my head from my plate and looked at him as he spoke.

" I- Um.. Well.." he tried to speak

I simply tilted my head in confusion as I had no idea what he was trying to say. And When I turned to look at him again, he looked extremely guilty as if he had done something wrong.

" Wriothesley if you did something wrong it's best to report it to me." I spoke

" Nah- I didn't do anything wrong it's just... heh.." he smiled looking extremely embarrassed

" Wrio. I'm sure what you have to tell me isn't bad at all, just speak alright? I promise I won't be mad." I assured him with a smile

" I booked us a holiday!" He spoke sounding more confident

" A holiday?" I repeated

" Yes! Not for any particular reason. But I just thought I should go on vacation with you!" He spoke with a smile

A vacation? What on Teyvat is a vacation?

~ I apologize for the chapter being short! I hate making excuses so, I'd rather just apologize! A Large one will come out soon!

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