~ Chapter 12 ~ A Sovereigns Guide To Love

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

I sat on my bed staring at a mirror.

" I am in love with a Human." I whispered to myself

I just can't believe I have fallen for a Mortal, but his Sapphire eyes, Firm abs and his silky black hair. Archons is he perfect.

I got up from sitting and went to go change into clothes for the day, thankfully Furina gave me the day off. But I'm not sure why and she refuses to tell me why. But I thought to myself what am I gonna do today. But an idea sparked in my mind, I'll find a book on love to help me understand the concept of it more.

I left my house to go to the Library of Fontaine, while walking down the streets of Fontaine, I was stared at a lot.. It did make me very uncomfortable but of course I never showed that it did.

When I got the the library, the Antoinette saw me and immediately stood up.

" Good morning, Monsieur Chief Justice." She spoke

" Good morning, Antoinette."

" Are you here for the Law books we have just received?" She asked

" Not really, I'm here to find a Book on Love perhaps?"

" Love?" She repeated questionably

I nodded my head in response

" Certainly, Please. Follow me."

I followed her through almost the whole Library, It was as if she was looking for a specific book, but when she found it and gave it to me, I was stunned to see what the cover wrote.

" A Sovereigns Guide To Love."

I looked at her with a bit of shock in my eye's as she handed me the book, but she didn't know I was a sovereign. Or so I thought, She only smiled in response then left me to read the book.

I need to ask Furina about this, Hence her and Antoinette have a bond and always monitor the books I come to fetch and read, I've always wondered why tho. Because I am not a child..

I sat down at a table in the Library to read the book. It started in a rather Unique way..

( If the font is Italic and Underlined is the book )

" We as sovereigns are told only to love other sovereigns, but love isn't like that.  Love is something that brings an un dragonistic side of you out to the world."

As I read this I thought to myself, I never cried or felt bad for ignoring or snapping at a regular human because when being a sovereign your feelings are limited, but when I did it to Wriothesley it hurt.

" Please select your Sovereign age Range, using your elemental energy."

" 500+"

" 1000+"

" 2000+"

" 3000+"

" 4000+"

" 500o+"

I used a small amount of my Hydro Powers to select 500+, I simply let some hydro drip onto the number on the page then the book turned blue for a split second, next thing I knew there was a brand new book in front of me called..

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