~ Chapter 51 ~ Neuvillette is What?

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

" Archons to Teyvat help me. This Sovereign may drive me insane." I muttered

" Am I really that annoying to you Wriothesley?" Neuvillette asked sounding a bit irritated

" I'm gonna be completely honest. Neuvillette your stupidity can get really annoying at times."


Neuvillette then stood up from the dinner table, a bit roughly and briskly walked upstairs. Keeping a cold expression.

" Hey! Neuvillette! Wait I didn't mean what I said!" I yelled

He ignored me and went upstairs looking extremely pissed.

" GREAT JUST GREAT!" I exclaimed

He's birthday is in a few days and I'm doing so well! I could barely tell him about the holiday!

The anger he had on his face, a kiss won't even fix. But alas gotta keep my Sovereign happy. I hate seeing him angry, it's really worrying actually.

I stood up from the dinner table and started to walk upstairs to his room.

I soon got to his room and tried to open the door but of course it was Locked.

" Neuvillette! Don't be like this now." I yelled from outside

I then heard raindrops hit a window near me.

Yup the Primordial sea can come take me now. I messed up for what seventh time? I thought to myself

How am I meant to stop him from crying! And still speak about a holiday?

I soon heard the door click open and I entered his room.

He wasn't crying? But doing paper work on his desk, I then turned to a window in his room and saw the rain. Aha- he was pretending to be okay. Cute..

" Wriothesley? Anything I can help you with." He spoke normally

I just sighed and went to go sit on his bed that was kind off near his desk.

" So.. Neuvillette why are you crying my Love?" I asked also speaking normally

" Crying?" He questioned

" I know you're hurt by what I said, there's no need to hide it." I said pointing to the window.

Soon the Neuvillette in front of me faded into Dark blue dust.

" What the!?" I exclaimed

I then heard a noise near his bathroom, I then turned my gaze to the bathroom and there he was Neuvillette. Face red, eyes puffy and tears streaming down his face.

" I know I'm used to it by now. Furina always called me, Dumb, Stupid, Useless and Annoying, plentiful of times a- actually." He spoke tears streaming down his face

" B- But I tried not to believe it much.. as I thought it wasn't t- true. But now when you say so.. I believe all those things she said about me is true.." he added

" Oh Neuvi.." I spoke as I rose from the bed to hug him.

" Please do not believe any of that nonsense. Furina is a person who just says whatever comes to mind and doesn't take other people's feeling into account as well.. as for what I said, please believe me! I did not mean a word! If I'm lying the Primordial Sea can even dissolve me.." I spoke embracing him

" Don't say stuff like that Wriothesley!" He exclaimed sobbing a bit harder

" I just want you to believe me.."

" I- I do believe you Wrio.." he spoke in my embrace

I then sighed and started to recite some words to calm my Neuvi down.

" O Hydro Dragon to Teyvat, O Hydro Dragon to Teyvat.. Do Not Weep, For if you Weep the Whole of Fontaine Cries with you.."

I felt him kiss my arm after I said the words but he spoke shortly after.

" A- Are you ever embarrassed of me Wrio?" He asked softly

" I Am Never embarrassed of you Neuvillette. You in fact enhance my confidence more. You Are Perfect My Sovereign."

" I am Perfect?" He questioned

" Perfect, Magical, Majestic, Beautiful, Handsome, Pretty, and Mine and Mine only." I spoke hugging him tightly

" Just ignore all negative things that get said about you, they are all just jealous about the amazing person you are." I added

" P- People.. jealous about m- me?"

" Yes. People are jealous of you My Sovereign. They wish to have the life you live, the wealth you acquire and many things they do not wield."

" I- I never really thought of it that way.."

" Thing is.. no one has ever explained it to you properly.. Your mind is still very young for the Human world."

" and Sovereign world.." he added

" Ah of course.. you're only 500 years old... But that doesn't matter okay! I Love you Neuvi! No matter what you are. How you act. Nor what you say. I Love You A Lot!"

" I Love You Too.. My Wrio."

" And no one else's." I added

I then let out a sigh of relief. Atleast he has calmed down now.

But Furina isn't gonna get away easily. You don't say mean stuff to Neuvillette and get away without any punishment. specifically when I'm around.

" That brat of an Archon." I muttered

I began to feel Neuvillette's grip tightening on my waist.

" Neuvi? Everything alright?" I asked

" P- Please c- carry me.." he spoke

" I beg your pardon? Carry you?"

" Y- Yes.." he replied softly

" Your wish is my command dear Iudex." I spoke

I then picked him up and held him in my arms.

" Anywhere you want me to take you to?" I asked

" My bed would be great." He spoke whilst in my arms

" Alright."

I then walked towards his bed and when there gently placed him on the mattress.

I then opted to walk away and go clean up after dinner but a wall of Hydro stopped me.

" Stay." He spoke sounding a bit more firm

" H- huh?"

" Restez à Wriothesley." He spoke

I then raised an eyebrow as I had no idea what that meant, all I heard was my name.

" Using French I see.." I said walking towards his bed

" A little.." he replied softly

" Look. I'll come back I just want to go clean downstairs. That's all"

" That will wait." He replied

He then sat up and motioned for me to sit on the bed. I then did as asked.

" Wriothesley.." he spoke

" Yes Neuvi?" I replied

" I'm Ready."

" Ready?" I questioned

" I Want To Make Love With You.." he spoke sounding a bit anxious

~ The next Chapter will obviously be Smut. But it isn't compulsory to read it! You may skip it and go onto the next chapter with the storyline not changing! <3

The Warmth Of A Sovereign Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ