~ Chapter 8 ~ So It's Like That Now?

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

"Ok, what the actual f*ck just happened." I asked Colette

" Wriothesley, please maintain appropriate language when we are in public." She replied

" You can't possibly expect me not to swear after what just happened."

" If you control your emotions its pretty simple. However based on what happened I am equally as curious and confused as you, but people are leaving now, we should also get going."

" Alright."

We got up from our chairs and headed to the entrance of the Opera Epiclese, when we got to the Fountain Of Lucine, I said goodbye to Colette as she had to go home. It was pretty late, Hence that trial was very long.

But as I walked to Meropide that same thought circled my head, What Could Have Caused Neuvillette To Cry? It just stuck with me until when I walked past the Palais Mermonia, there was a urge to go check Neuvillette's office if he was there.

So I went with my gut and went to go check, I was greeted by Sedene at the entrance.

" Your Grace? Is there anything I can assist you with?" She asked

" I'm here to see the Ludex." I replied

" Might I ask what for, Considering it's really late at night?"

Sh*t I didn't make up an excuse to see Neuvillette, I thought to myself

" We had an encounter Last night, And I simply wish to go see if he is perhaps alright."

" With absolute pleasure Your Grace, you may go see if he is alright."

She led me to the door of Neuvillette's office and knocked on it.

~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

" Come in." I answered

Sedene came through closing the door behind her, but It was as if I could see an individual behind her just before she closed the door.

" Evening Monsieur Neuvillette, the Duke Of Meropide wishes to see you."

I could feel a sense of shock go up my body, it's about when he caught water streams coming out of my eyes. Just what I need after a long trial, I thought to myself.

" You can let him in Sedene." I replied

" Right away Monsieur."

She then went to the door and opened it letting Wriothesley in. I pointed to a couch telling him to sit. He sat down then looked at me, oh those Sapphire like eyes, I couldn't help but stare more in Fascination. He then frowned in confusion causing me to break eyesight.

" Evening, Duke Wriothesley." I started.

" Good evening, Monsieur Neuvillette." He replied

" What has brought you to my office, at such a late time in the night?"

" Well, I merely wanted to check if you are ok?"

After he said that I felt a certain type of feeling, one too hard to understand it felt as if my stomach was turning but it was so unexplainable.

" Duke Wriothesley, I am okay."

" Understood Monsieur, But Last Night, what caused those streams of water to come out your eyes?" He asked

" Duke Wriothesley if you have came here for nonsense or to speak about things that don't. Makes sense, I will send you out of my office." I snapped

" Oh.. my bad Monsieur, I'll leave now." He replied quickly

He stood up quickly and headed to my office door, while him doing so I sent him a glare on his way out. But I really didn't want to..

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

What the hell was that? Mood Swings at its finest if you ask me, I was mearly just referring to the night he was crying. To see if he was ok, He calls that nonsense?

One hell of a Ludex that is, I give credit to Furina on how she deals with that thing everyday. Man F*ck u Neuvillette, someone just wanted to care and ask if your alright and of course you get offended. Stupid Ludex.

~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

I really did not want to say such, but I couldn't have him bringing up that event from last night, The hurt in his eyes when he left my office just looked so painful.. next thing I knew, it was Raining because of me its always because of me. I thought to myself

I got up to head to My house. Gathering all items that needed to be taken with me, when I left the Palais Mermonia. I saw him.. Wriothesley.. sitting on a bench soaked and defeated, I could sense his emotions just by staring at him, they were sad but also below that sadness lay a puddle of Anger. Anger of rejection it was right there, that I realized I had really said something that hurt him.

But as a Ludex I cannot engage in such things, I had no other choice than to walk past him but when I was far enough for him not to see me I looked back only to find a stream or two of water. Coming down from his eyes. And I won't lie this was Painful to see for some reason.

I had seen people do this multiple times, but when I saw him do it I couldn't help but feel saddened as well, and naturally because of this the rain got heavier. When I arrived home I just sat on my Couch regretting what I said to him.

" I wish I never said what I said." I whispered to myself

Seeing him so hurt just hurt me more.

I just wished I could Go back to where I was the Last centuries..

~ 3rd Person Perspective ~

Tears roll down Neuvillette's face as he just Stared at wall, more and more tears came one after the other, then Soon after a few hours of crying all he saw was just Black, The last thing being heard was a Knock on his door.

" Monsieur Neuvillette?" A voice asked

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