~ Chapter 39 ~ What Do You Mean Break Up?

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~


I heard my office door open and Wrio entered.

" Evening Wrio." I said as he entered

" Evening Neuvillette.." He said quietly

I just looked at him a bit confused as to why he was acting so quiet. He usually is one to run to my desk and take me from doing my paperwork as soon as possible.

But instead as soon as he entered he immediately sat on a couch and stared outside from a window.

" Everything alright dear?" I asked

" We need to Break Up." He replied sounding pained

After this I immediately dropped all my paperwork and looked at him in disbelief.

" I beg your pardon Wrio?"

" We need to break.. up.. we can't be together anymore." He repeated

I was taken aback by his words because I hadn't done anything wrong.. not that I know of..
Then it started raining.. naturally because I wont lie I am a bit saddened that Wrio wants to end things with me..

~ 3rd Person Perspective ~

Neuvillette stood up from my desk to go sit next to Wriothesley. Neuvillette tried to pull Wriothesley into an embrace but Wriothesley refused. And didn't let Neuvillette touch him and even Moved away from Neuvillette.

Neuvillette was then left speechless as for what did he do wrong.. the other day they were just fine they just had the time of their lives washing dishes together. So what did he do wrong.

" W- Was it anything I did..?" Neuvillette asked softly

Wriothesley just kept quiet as he was to Pained to talk.

" Wh- what did I do wrong..." Neuvillette asked again sounding a bit saddened

" Y- You did ev- everything wrong. A- an- and I nev- never, L- Li- Liked you from the S- Start." Wriothesley stuttered

After Neuvillette heard those words the rain started to get increasingly heavy outside. Neuvillette sat there his eyes staring to tear up as he heard Wriothesley say those words.

" B- But I don't understand.. You said you will Love me for all of Eternity.."

" That was a mistake. I n- never me- meant to say that." Wriothesley spoke his voice sounding pained

Soon after Neuvillette started to cry. As tears rolled down his face he tried to think of words to change Wriothesley's mind.

" Wriothesley.. Please reconsider! I need you in my life I cannot live without you, you dont understand Wriothesley I need you to cope in my life!" Neuvillette begged with tears in his eyes

" Please Wriothesley I Love You!" He added

" I- I-.." Wriothesley tried to speak

Neuvillette continue sobbing hoping Wriothesley would Reconsider, But when he heard the next few words he would be left stunned.

" I Don't Love You Neuvillette." Wriothesley spoke almost about to let out a flood of tears.

Neuvillette felt like he had been stabbed through the chest with a knife after he heard Wriothesley say such.

" B- But You said for all and all Eternity!" Neuvillette yelled sobbing uncontrollably

" Im so sorry Neuvillette.. Im so sorry.." Wriothesley whispered while crying

Wriothesley then stood up to leave the office but was stopped by Neuvillette once again.

" Wriothesley. My Wrio please I beg of you.. Do not leave me!" Neuvillette begged his face red and eyes puffy

Wriothesley let his hand go from Neuvillette's grasp and walked to the door.

" Im so sorry My Neuvi.. But it has to be done." He spoke before leaving Neuvillette's office

Neuvillette was then left on his office floor, on his knee's tears running down his face in so much pain it's unimaginable. He just laid on his office floor crying until he ran out of tears.. he had just lost the most important person to him.

~ Colette's Perspective ~

I walked out of the room with the elevator to go to Furina's apartment to find Wriothesley pacing out of the Palais Mermonia looking like he's in tears..?

As I walked passed Neuvillette's office I thought I could hear muffled crying but ignored it. As it would be rare if Neuvillette cried specially if he had Wrioth- Wait.

I immediately ran outside of the Palais Mermonia to find it pouring outside. And then I began to put the puzzle pieces together. Wriothesley running out of the office crying. Muffled crying in Neuvillette's office and Heavy rain outside.

Something is very wrong. And it's bad if the rain outside is that heavy.. Gosh I pray to Celestia Wriothesley didn't do anything to Neuvillette again! I went closer to Neuvillette's office door and I heard sobbing. Heavy sobbing and it was loud.

I then definitely knew for sure something had happened between them. But I didn't have a strong relationship with Neuvillette so I had to call Furina to go in there and see what's happening.

I went back up the elevator and knocked on her apartment door.

She then opened it and looked confused.

" Your back? Did you forget something?" She asked

" Furina check outside your window in your apartment." I asked of her

" Oh? Okay?" She questioned

She then walked to a window in her apartment and saw the storm outside. But while she saw the storm she saw a silhouette of a person sitting on a bench outside the Palais Mermonia.

" Wriothesley?" She said

" Huh? What do you mean Wriothesley?" I questioned

" He's outside the Palais Mermonia. Sitting on a bench getting drenched in the rain.. but it looks like, he- he's crying?"

" I did see him walk out of Neuvillette's office crying just as I was about to leave, and I heard Neuvillette crying in his office which explains the heavy storm." I explained

" I see. So something has happened between the two of them." She replied

" I should go see if Neuvillette is alright and you should do the same with Wriothesley he looks pretty hurt from where I see him."

" I will definitely go check up on Wriothesley, you don't have to ask me twice."

" Then it all works out. Let's go see if we can salvage a relationship between the Ludex and the Duke." Furina said smiling at me

" Yes. Let's go see if we can!" I replied smiling back at her

The Warmth Of A Sovereign जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें