~ Chapter 15 ~ What Has Gotten Into You!

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~ Colette's Perspective ~

I walked to stand in front of Wriothesley and look him straight in the face. I then spoke

" Wriothesley, I tolerate most of your behavior.  But what you did to Neuvillette is unacceptable. It is disgusting and Horrific Wriothesley! Just what you said and how you said it is sickening Wriothesley, I'm really disappointed in you."  I spoke

As I turned to look at him he had tears in his eyes an then began to speak

" That wasn't Me! Colette I would never say such things to the love of my Life!!" He shouted with tears in his eyes

" Im sorry Wriothesley. But it was you who said all those horrific things to Neuvillette it wasn't anyone but you." I replied


" I wish it we're a dream Wriothesley.. But the sad thing is you did say all those things to him." I replied

As I said this his face turned pale and next thing I knew he had fainted from all this stuff that had happened, I immediately held him and took him to the infirmary. because of me doing this I was stared at A LOT. And the thing is those stares were stares of "the princess carrying his duke." Or stares of " someone is in love.", Archons I wanted to evaporate but Wriothesley needed medical attention.

As I go to the infirmary Sigewinne greeted me and immediately took Wriothesley in her care.

" So what is it Sigewinne?"  I asked

" He passed out from stress and lots of anxiety, ah yes he had an anxiety attack. But this is so unlike Wriothesley he never overworks and can handle his stress well, Colette can you inform me. On what happened for. Him to faint like this?"

" I- Uh- Well its a bit of a very long story Sigewinne, but Wriothesley will definitely be sure to tell you what happened." I replied.

She tilted her head in confusion, and looked very puzzled, but just left it

" He'll be fine. Just stay here he's prone to wake up soon I also do have an appointment on the surface now." Sigewinne spoke

" Understood Sigewinne, Safe travels to the surface." I replied

" Thanks Colette!" She replied.

She then left the infirmary and I thought I would wait a Few minutes for Wriothesley to wake up. But soon An hour goes by and soon another two go by followed by another four, damn this man is knocked out cold. I thought to myself

I was just about to go brew myself my 7th cup of tea until he Finally woke up

" C- Colette?" He spoke

" Archons!, your finally awake." I replied

" What happened to me?" He asked

" You had a Panic Attack,  or what Sigewinne called it an Anxiety Attack."

" Sigewinne saw me?" He groaned

" Yes, and she asked what happened but I told her that's not my story to tell. And said you would tell her."

" Colette. Why would yo-"

" You act like you had a choice,  you were going to need to tell her anyway." I interrupted

" Fair enough."

He sighed while he sat on his infirmary bed. And I knew exactly what he was sighing for.

" I don't know where he is Wriothesley."

Wriothesley looked at me with so much pain in his eyes, as he desperately wanted to know if Neuvillette was ok

" Bu-  But what if he took my words and drowned in the Primodial sea.."

"Furina wouldn't let him do such." I Replied

" Colette,  Please help me I want to get close with him again, I really love him.. Desperately love him, please... all I want is him." He spoke Desperately

" I really don't mean to burst your bubble. Wriothesley,  but he probably isn't ok right now and even doesn't have enough sanity to See you, after you said such things to him.."

" I know Colette! I know.. Damn I messed. Up Real. Bad."

~ Furina's Perspective ~

" Neuvillette.. please stop crying, I know you can't stop your crying but the thing is your crying so hard the rain is scaring the Fontainians."

" I- I- I can't." He said whilst sobbing

" Look I know you can't but please try! I'm sorry as. I know I'm not helping right now, but you have been crying since we got back here from the afternoon. What is it its 11PM now."

He continued sobbing harder and harder the pain he was in was just to bad for me to even help him..

" Would you like If I fetched him and you two talk?" I asked

He nodded his head. Slightly..

" Are you sure Neuvillette?"

" Q- Q- Quite S- Sure." He stuttered

" alright I'll be back I guess."

I walked out of the Palais Mermonia, walking along the empty streets of Fontaine, Oh how bad I felt for Neuvillette.. It ached my heart, as for Wriothesley I'm only fetching him on Neuvillette's ask.

I reached the entrance of Meropide again for the second time today, went down the elevator and headed to the reception desk, luckily the prisoners that were in this entrance room, this afternoon are gone so I wouldn't get to many stares.

" Lady Furina! Welcome to. Meropide, anything in particular you need?" The Receptionist asked

" No thank you, Have a good night!" I replied

"No worries then, Have a good too night Lady Furina."

I walked down the halls of Meropide, hearing pipes dripping and the way the metal sounded when my shoes walked against it.

I then let myself into Wriothesley's office not daring to knock after what he had done. To Neuvillette. I walked up the stairs and went to go fetch him from his desk

" Lady Furina?" He asked inquisitively

" Don't Lady Furina me, Follow me I have to take you somewhere this instant." I replied

" B- But where?"

" I am your Archon I need not to answer your questions, but for you to only obey me."

" Of course Lady Furina."

He then followed me out of his office and we walked down the halls of Meropide heading to the elevator that leads to the Surface.

" Lady Furina, Where are we. Going please tell me." He asked

" Like I said I don't have to answer your questions, but I guarantee when we get to where we're. Going you will know exactly why we are there."

" Understood, Lady Furina." He responded

We made our way to the elevator and it took us to the surface, we then walked all the way to the Palais. Mermonia, and up the hidden elevator to my apartment. Wriothesley looked utterly puzzled as to why we we're here.

I then stopped at the door to my apartment.

" Listen. Neuvillette has requested you to see him. But Wriothesley when I let you through these doors, Do not cause more damage than you already have." I. Spoke sternly

" Y-  Yes Lady Furina." He replied

I then opened the door for him granting him access, he then stepped inside and I stayed outside as I didn't wish to disturb them, It was probably gonna be one hell of a conversation.

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