~ Chapter 41 ~ Happily Ever After?

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~ 3rd Person Perspective ~

Wriothesley walked into Neuvillette's office and found him standing next to Furina, tears of hurt and pain in his eyes. He immediately ran up to Neuvillette and cupped his face in his hands.

Neuvillette was shocked and startled by Wriothesley returning as he never expected it, While his face was cupped in his companions hands, he felt as if he was about to have a meltdown. Heavy tears started to form in his eyes but as they were about to come out Wriothesley spoke,

" Shhh.. don't cry, Don't cry..." Wriothesley whispered softly to his weeping Sovereign

" I- I- I thought you.. Left me.." Neuvillette said softly

" I did leave you.. But I'm back now! For good." Wriothesley assured him

" B- But how can I- I believe you that you wont.. Leave me again." Neuvillette spoke tears coming out of his eyes

Wriothesley let his hands go from Neuvillette's face, because he didn't have an answer to that question. He knew he would never leave Neuvillette again.. but how could he tell him that after all he's done?

" So you will leave me again.." Neuvillette whispered softly tears drying up

Wriothesley then looked up at him eyes full of shock, as he would never leave Neuvillette again. He swears on his life he wouldn't! He just couldn't find the right words to say so.

As Wriothesley was standing in front of Neuvillette figuring out how to tell Neuvillette that he would never leave, The door of his office opened and Colette stepped in. She walked up to the scene standing behind Wriothesley.

Neuvillette saw her, and recognized her but really didn't want her to be here as he never really built a relationship with Colette, therefore showing his true emotions in front of her would be disgraceful. He quickly used some elemental power to dry his tears and put on a fake emotionless expression when he knew deep inside he was, Hurt, Broken, Crushed and his heart Shattered.

" Evening to all of you. But I'm here to say a few words.." Colette started

" Colette?" Wriothesley muttered in confusion

Furina looked at Colette questioning her presence but Colette gave her a reassuring look back, so Furina then hoped everything was going to work out in the end.

" Monsieur Neuvillette, I take full blame for Wriothesley's behavior towards you an-."

" Wh- What!? No you don't Colette this is my doing and my doing alone. Please don't blame yourself for this." Wriothesley interrupted

" Please, allow me to finish Wriothesley. I take full accountability for this because, later this afternoon Wriothesley and I got into an argument. And I stated th- that he was changing his behavior and they way he acts because of his Relationship with you Monsieur. This caused Wriothesley to overthink he's relationship with you.. and thus come and.. Break Up With You.." Colette explained

After Colette spoke it started to rain and rain hard. As if a hurricane were to form, Neuvillette soon couldn't hide his emotions any longer and a single tear ran down his face.

" Can't A Iudex Have A Relationship?" He asked about to cry

Furina then looked up at him with eyes full of sorrow.

" Of course they can Neuvillette." Furina spoke softly

" Then why is mine such a problem.." He replied a tear running down his face

Colette stood there shocked at the scene she had created. Not only did she made Wriothesley breakup with Neuvillette. But she also made Neuvillette questioned why he's relationship always gets doubted on.

~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

" Neuvillette." Wriothesley spoke

I turned to Wriothesley with tears in my eyes.

" Do you even Love me?" I asked

He then looked at me stunned his jaw slowly opening. He never answered but just stood there looking at me in a mortified way.

" Wow.. I really thought we had something Wriothesley." I said my tears slowly disappearing

" I-."

" It's alright if you do not Love me, It appears I made the mistake thinking it was love." I spoke coldly

He continued to stay there not wielding a word. I decided I however have had enough of this. It will take a lot of power and exhaust me but I'm just gonna teleport home.

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

Soon a blue light covered Neuvillette and he vanished.

" Wow.. smooth talking Duke Of Meropide, Way to loose your Iudex." Furina spoke sounding irritated

" Shut the Fuck up you Bratty Archon." I snapped back

" Wriothesley! Don't talk like that to the Archon of Fontaine." Colette snapped back

" Why even address her as Archon.. she's just a measly human." I spoke walking out of Neuvillette's office

I heard a muffled shout back, but couldn't be bothered.

I Just Lost Neuvillette.

Now and for good. The way he said bye was to cold for him to ever want me back.. It really hurts. Cause I really loved him.. Not even love.. I adored him.

My Clingy Little Sovereign..

Those thoughts lingered in my head. As I walked near the entrance of Meropide. It just hurt to leave him.. No I couldn't. He may despise me now but leaving is not the right thing to do. I changed directions and started walking to his home on a secret path he created.. Just For Me..

The path had the smoothest dirt trail so I wouldn't trip or fall. Not to mention the Flowers and greenery placed along this specific pathway.. and he did it all.. Just for me.

I really messed up.. Again..

as I got closer to his house I saw a small shimmer of something gold in the distance. It was really bright so it caught my eye. I turned to see it again but it vanished.

" That's odd." I muttered to myself

I would occasionally see maybe a shimmer of something Blue in distances, hence we are in the nation of Hydro.. But gold was never one to be seen, hence gold meant Geo. Huh Geo? What is a presence of Geo elemental energy doing in Fontaine?

It makes zero sense, as you would only see Geo in well Liyue.. Let me not think to much about it. I am here to hopefully get my Neuvi back..

I Really Miss Him..

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