Amidst their efforts to reassure me, I couldn't shake the weight of guilt. "No, it's my fault. Everything that's happening—it's because of me," I confessed, my voice choked with regret.

My brother, firm in his support, shook his head. "Y/N, this isn't your fault. Accidents happen, and Taehyung wouldn't want you blaming yourself. We're all here for him, and for you."

Jin oppa echoed the sentiment, "Y/N, you're not the reason for what's happening here. We're a family, and we'll face this together. Taehyung needs your strength now, more than ever." Their words, though a balm to my wounded soul, struggled to ease the burden of guilt that gripped me.

The hospital room became a silent tableau of shared grief, everyone lost in their own thoughts. We were a collective of broken spirits, connected by the thread of love for Taehyung. Time seemed to stand still, the only audible sound being the rhythmic beeping of machines from the ICU room.

In those moments of suspended reality, a silent understanding passed among us—an unspoken vow to weather this storm together. As Jungkook dried his tears and Yoongi oppa retreated to monitor Taehyung's condition, we became a tableau of support for one another, each grappling with the haunting specter of guilt that lingered in the air.

Author Pov:

Namjoon stood by Taehyung's bedside in the hospital room, his eyes shifting between the silent monitors and his unconscious brother. The room was heavy with worry, and everyone sought some understanding of the accident that led to this moment.

As the seconds ticked by, Hoseok approached, concern etched on his face. "Namjoon, how's Taehyung doing?" he inquired, acknowledging Namjoon's position as a brother and someone who could possibly have more information.

Namjoon sighed, his gaze still fixed on Taehyung. "It's not good, Hoseok but he is fighting for us."

Hoseok's expression mirrored the gravity of the situation, and he hugged his friend to say him that he is here for them. The weight of the news settled in the room, each person grappling with the reality of Taehyung's injuries.

Amidst the heavy atmosphere, Y/N's brother stepped forward, a mix of concern and curiosity in his voice. "Officer Jung, could you tell us how the accident happened? We're trying to understand."

Hoseok understood the need for answers and hesitated for a moment before recounting the details. "It was a car accident. Taehyung was driving, and suddenly a child appeared on the road, chasing after a ball. In an attempt to avoid hitting the child, Taehyung swerved the car and ended up crashing with a lorry."

The room fell silent as the weight of the circumstances settled in. Hoseok continued, "He made a split-second decision to protect the child, and that led to the accident. It's a tough situation, but he did what he could in that moment."

Y/N's brother absorbed the details, and Jungkook, who had been quietly listening, couldn't hold back his emotions. "But why is he hurt? He did a good thing, right? Why is it always the one who do good have to endure a lot difficulties? " he asked, his eyes filled with innocence and confusion.

Namjoon knelt down to Jungkook's eye level, offering a comforting smile. "Sometimes, accidents happen even when we try to do the right thing, Kookie. We just need to trust them doctors and wait."

Jungkook nodded, though the weight of the situation still lingered in his young eyes. The hospital room became a haven of mixed emotions — concern, confusion, and the unwavering hope that Taehyung would pull through.

Y/N pov

Amidst the hushed discussions about Taehyung's accident, the hospital room filled with an air of distress, news of his injuries sent shockwaves through me. As questions about the incident arose, I couldn't contain the surge of frustration within me.

"You all don't know why. Woh... he is going through this because of his bad deed," I began, my voice carrying a blend of anger and sorrow. "It's karma which you all are going through. Have you ever thought of what it would feel to lose someone or the value of a life that you are killing? Why would you? You all are doing this for pass time..."

Before I could finish my sentence, Namjoon swiftly pulled me aside, his grip firm yet gentle. "Oppa, what are you doing?" I questioned, attempting to free my hands from his grasp. A split-second death glare silenced me, and I reluctantly followed Namjoon.

He led me to his waiting car, and I insisted, "Let me drive." Namjoon, however, remained in control. "I could drive," he mentioned casually, revealing a tidbit about himself. "I'm not even surprised anymore." I told. "It's just that I don't have a driving license, but I know how to drive," he explained.

Namjoon's response was calm, "We should be in the hospital." I protested, urging to go back, but Namjoon oppa had a different destination in mind. "There is a much more important place you have to be," he replied cryptically.

As the car moved in silence, I noticed we were heading towards what I hesitated to call "home" – Taehyung's place. After parking the car, Namjoon's gaze held a mixture of hurt and something else I couldn't quite decipher. "I want to know," I thought, feeling a knot tightening in my stomach.

Following him into the house, Namjoon stopped in front of the third room, a room not typically in use. He turned to ensure I was still following before entering. My curiosity piqued, I stepped into the room.

The air in the room felt heavy with unspoken truths.  As Namjoon stood there, silently beckoning me into the room, I steeled myself for the revelations that awaited within those walls.

In that silent room, I felt a mix of trepidation and anticipation. Namjoon's unspoken words hung in the air like a heavy fog, and I couldn't escape the feeling that the truth, once unveiled, would change everything.

As I stepped further into the room, it became evident that this space held a significance I hadn't grasped before. The walls seemed to whisper the untold stories, and the atmosphere carried the weight of unspoken confessions. Namjoon oppa closed the door behind me, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation. My heart pounded, and I found myself facing the closed door side. Coherent sentences eluded me as the weight of unspoken revelations hung in the air.

I moved closer to the photos adorning the walls – first Namjoon oppa, then Taehyung. Matching their current selves with their younger counterparts, I traced the journey captured in those frames.

Yet, it was the photo of the girl that struck my heart, a piece of the puzzle that demanded understanding.Lost in contemplation, Namjoon oppa's voice cut through the air, breaking the silence. "She is our youngest sister."

The revelation lingered in the room, and I turned to face Namjoon, eyes searching for answers. The images on the wall told a story of family, secrets, and connections hidden beneath the surface. The weight of this newfound knowledge pressed on me, and I struggled to comprehend the complexities of their intertwined lives.

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