He spins me around and pulls me in for another hug and tells me, "Look, don't overthink this. At least, try not to right now. Okay? The guys will be in here in about another 20 minutes to work out, so if you aren't prepared to see them, why don't know you go on back to your apartment. I'll work out for a bit longer and then get changed. We can go have breakfast after and just chat. Just you and I. I can let you know why we are like we are. Plus, I'm a really good listener. Let me know when you're ready, if you want to go. Give me your phone and I'll put my number in and text myself."

I whisper ok and back up so I can grab my phone. He enters his number then hands it back over. I gather my stuff and walk out. I take a quick look back to see a very worried look on Changbin's face. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

When I walk in, I see both kids are awake. They immediately know something is wrong, but I hold my hand up.

"We will talk after I take my shower. I just ran hard and I feel sticky. Okay?"

They both look at each other and just nod. I can hear them talking to each other about what they think is going on. I know I've got them a little bit worried, but shower first. Besides, they could have warned me who lived on our floor! I get in, just letting the hot water run over me; hoping it will help wash away the thoughts going through my head.

After my shower, I decide to take a chance and go to breakfast with Binnie. I need to know what's going on. Or more like what I've gotten myself into. I quickly send him text that breakfast is a go.

I go with lite eyeshadow and waterproof mascara. With as high as my emotions are right now, tears aren't too far off from falling. Then I decide what I'm going to wear. I want to walk around some today after breakfast, but it's chilly, rainy day. Deciding on jeans and a cute sweater I'd found in the states before we left, I finish getting ready. It's a beautiful dark green color with some lighter colored flowers embroidered across the chest. It's soft and cuddly, covers my arms, and I feel like that's what I need right now. I wear a tank under since it sits off one shoulder. My hair is just going to stay up in a messy bun since it's raining. As I walk out of my room, I see Don and Tony sitting at the table waiting for me.

"Spill it mom, what's wrong?" Don says, with his brother just staring at me.

I decide then and there, I am absolutely messing with them. My emotions are running high. Didn't tell me Stray Kids live next to us. I'm going to mess with you for bit. I'm in a mood.

"Well, when I went to the store last night, I may have met a couple people. Then after talking I decided to go back to their apartment to meet some others. We had ramen and Netflix and then I left."

"YOU DID WHAT? What the hell mom! Ramen and Netflix? Wait, YOU HAD SEX?" yells Tony.

Don is sitting beside him with his mouth hanging open. Tony looks like he is about to have another fit. Looking at them and their reactions made me start laughing so hard tears were running down my face. Good thing I went with the waterproof mascara! They are looking at me like I've lost my mind. Maybe I have a little, I think to myself.

"What if I did? I am a grown ass adult. Please remember that."

Both are shocked speechless. Might be the first time, since winning the lotto, that they've been this shocked. Ok, so maybe I'll take some pity on them. But their expressions were fun!

"Yes, I did meet some people last night. Yes, they were all men. No, I did not have sex. Could I have, yes. But no, I didn't. Did something happen, well, umm, maybe. And you've met them as well."

I look at them, just daring them to say something. I see the look pass between the two of them. They know I know. "What do you mean by maybe? MOM!!" says Don.

"I'll come back to that, but...cat got your tongue on the rest? Yeah, now I know who our neighbors are. You've known, for at least a few days. And said nothing. NOTHING!" Both just smirk at me.

"I met Chris and Felix at the store. After picking my chin off the floor from shock, we talked. They invited me back to meet the rest of the guys."

"Oh, umm, yeah about that," stammers Don.

"Uh huh. Do you know which one lives directly next us?"

"Actually, no." answers Tony. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I fully thought they'd know.

"It's Christopher Bang Chan. THE Christopher Bang Chan, my ultimate bias. He lives right next door. I can officially say his apartment is bigger than ours and all done in a very modern look. Fits him quite well."

"Glad you finally met them, but that doesn't explain...Wait. Were they jerks to you? Did they do something to you?" Don says as he jumps up looking like he's ready to fight.

"Sit down child. No, they didn't do anything to me. Or well... Ok, something happened and I'm still trying to process it. Like I said, sex was not involved. Things may have gotten a bit out of hand due to soju. When leaving, I was kissed, by three of them." I look over at them both and again, they are shook. Oh, this is hilarious!

Don sinks to the chair with his mouth opening and closing. Tony is silent, but then starts laughing hysterically. I am looking at him trying to figure out if I just broke my child. He's laugh so hard he's crying. Then Don starts laughing and all I can do is sit back gaping at them both.

"Y'all ok there? Did I break you?" I ask. This response has me very confused.

"Our mom, OUR MOM, just got kissed by three out of eight of her ultimate K-pop group. Oh, this is epic!" squeals Tony.

"Who kissed you? You know we are not letting this go till you tell us." says Don.

I stare at them both before rolling my eyes. They are not going to let this go without me telling them. These two.

"Jeongin was the first. As we were leaving to go to our own apartments, they'll all gave me hugs. That man decides to plant a kiss right on my lips, then ask Chris if they can keep me. Then Lee Know plants one right on my lips. Chris walked me to our door, pulled me in to hugged me again, then tells me they ALL like older women, then kisses me. And we may have both gotten a little too into the kisses." I tell them. My face is on fire. I know I am looking like a lobster at this point. Telling this is so embarrassing, but I've vowed to be honest with my children. Though I am not sharing about the rest.

My inner diva just shakes her head at me and giggles while kicking her feet in the air.

The shocked look on their faces is priceless. "Jeongin!? Seriously? Ok, Chris and Lee Know I get, but JEONGIN???" yells Tony. And then I start laughing all over again. Their expressions are absolutely hilarious!

"Y'all are shocked? How do you think I feel? I'm still trying to process what happened."

Just then my phone dings with a message. It's Binnie letting me know he's ready and asking if I am. Quickly answering back that yes, I good to go. I have questions and he is going to give them to me. I hope.

"Now, while y'all are getting ready, I have plans." They both look at me questionably.

"I'm going to breakfast with Binnie. He was at the gym this morning and talked to me some. Right now, I can handle talking to him and feel like I need to. I'm not sure I can talk to the other three yet. I want you two to get ready though, because after breakfast, I want to go shopping and just get out of the apartment. WE will talk about anything else later."

"Anything else? Oh ho ho, what exactly did you our mom do?" ask Don with a smirk on his face. Smart ass child. I don't care he's an adult, he's my smart ass child.

"No problem mom. And just for the record, it's ok if something more than kisses did... or does happen." Tony says as he runs for his room laughing.

"What he said!" says Don as he also makes a dash.

I'm left standing with my mouth open. What just happened? Did my kids really just give me full consent? What is becoming of my life right now? Shaking my head, I turn around to start getting my stuff together. I am so confused and shocked by my kids right now.

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