I couldn't hide my frustration when we said goodbye. Jordi was wide awake and grizzly having been woken up unwillingly, whinging and fidgeting in his pram.

"I've got tomorrow morning off, do fancy coming into camp? The girls would love to see the little man" Ale asked as we headed towards where are journeys back separated, one path leading back to their hotel and another heading towards the apartment.

"I don't know, I'll see how he sleeps," I said, pushing Jordi back and forth in the pram trying to keep him comfortable.

"Ok" she said simply, leaning in to kiss Jordi before turning to me.
"I love you" she smiled, before placing a peck on my lips.

"I love you too" I mumbled, faking a smile before we eventually headed our separate ways.

It was another awful night with Jordi, he was awake pretty much all night, managing a couple of hours of sleep before finally nodding off just as the sun rose. I was exhausted and walking across town with Jordi to see Ale was the last thing that I wanted to do this morning. I needed to sleep whilst Jordi did, it was the only opportunity I got thanks to his new clingy phase.


Morning carino, how did you both sleep? Do you feel like coming in this morning? xx

He's only just gone down and I really don't want to have to wake him up, so probably not.
I think your mum and Albs are though. xx

I really want to see you, I miss you both so much xx

He's asleep Ale and I'm exhausted, we won't be good company. Spend some time with them and we'll see you after the game tomorrow xx

Will you Facetime me tonight when he's awake? Xx

Of course xx

I love you both, give him a kiss from me xx

We love you too xx

The first group game against Costa Rica was an easy win for the team, Ale got subbed on in the second half, getting some more minutes under her belt on her way back to full fitness which was great to see. I'd been worried about her being thrown straight into the starting line up and playing the full 90 minutes for most of the games, but it wasn't happening, not yet anyway. The National team were taking her recovery just as seriously as Barca were.

Jordi was awake for most of the game, the bright lights and loud noises keeping him entertained as he watched his Mama play in the World Cup. It was something that Ale and I had dreamed about ever since we decided to get pregnant, having our child in the stands watching us play in big games and Alexia's excitement was obvious as she made her way over to us.

"There they are!" She smiled at us, leaning over the barrier and kissing me before turning her attention to Jordi, reaching to take him out of my arms.

"Hola bebé" She smiled at him.
"Mama's missed you so much" She kissed the top of his head, bringing him close to her body as she held him tightly"

"You did great out there" I congratulated her, watching on as my two favourite people reunited properly for the first time in a couple of weeks, not counting the screaming that happened in the cafe a couple of days ago.

"Thank you carino" She beamed proudly, leaning over the stands once again placing her free hand on the back of my neck and pulling me in for another kiss.

"How was he during the game?" She asked, gesturing towards Jordi who she was bouncing up and down on her hip.

"He loved every second of it, it's the easiest he's been since we landed"

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