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As the loud music beams in the area, I pour another drink and gulp it down. Fuck! But it has nothing to do with the burn I am feeling inside. I take the half-finished bottle of whisky in hand, ready to gulp the whole fucking thing down. But a pair of hands stops me and snatches it from my hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Nakul placed the bottle back on the counter, saying, "Are you going to be wasted or what?" and sat beside me with a 'Seriously?' look. "The guest and family are here, for god's sake."

Yes! We are having a party at one of our clubs. The success party of our company being back on the top of the list of Asia's leading business multinationals. All thanks to the lady of the night. Annlin William is freaking something else, indeed. A couple of days is all it took her to figure out every level where we needed some changes and boom. Here we are. Ah! I had no clue that someone's skills and intelligence would be a big turn-on for me until her. But who am I even kidding? All it takes is her to look me in the eye with that fearless almond eyes and order me around with that bold tone to give me a goddamn boner every freaking time.

But that little lioness is ignoring me for the past three months. Ugh! Whenever she had to discuss something about our project, she called Karan and not me. So what did I do? Hmph! I told that fucker Karan that he better ask her to discuss it with the boss instead. But guess what, she fucking didn't. You know what she said, "Mr Bhat, I don't have time to waste to call your arrogant boss and explain it from the start again. So you better discuss it with your so-called boss and inform me ASAP." The call was on speaker, and not going to lie, I needed a long, cold shower to blow off the-you know what I mean. And I was also busy eradicating the motherfucker who caused us that little trouble and other business trips back and forth. That fucker did spit out some information that concerns her safety more than our company. We will see about that.

"By the way, how am I looking, D? Nakul Nanda in a suit is on limited offer to watch. So you better take a photograph of mine." He fake poses for his imaginary camera. And it's now my turn to glare.

"Wait. Someone is really depressed." He says, turning around to blow kisses and his sheepish smile at the girls who have turned their full attention swooning to our side. They must have really missed their favourite model in the past months at parties.

"Oh my my! D, look, the reason for your depression is finally here."

I turn around at his words eagerly just to be stunned by the beauty of the woman who can keep me rooted in one place and lose my goddamn control at the same time. Annlin is here. Finally. She is standing at the entrance in a long red wine-corsetted sleeveless dress with a slit showcasing her long smooth legs paired with silver heels that match her eye makeup, and her hair is all set in a low bun, leaving tiny strands just to tease my fucking senses. I am telling you. How can someone look angelic, like a literal goddess and also as powerful as the devil itself at the same time?

Every-fucking-one has their creepy eyes set on her, like me. I know she is alluring. But she is mine, you fuckers. So eyes off from what's mine. Ugh! Fucking fuck! Today's hit list is going to be very long, I swear to god.

She enters the entrance, searching for something with those most beautiful black eyes I have ever seen in my whole life. Not that I have noticed many, but her eyes are literally a piece of art. The moment her eyes met mine, I felt my heart skipping a beat, or two, or more. Her lips parted as she stared at me for a fraction of a minute, and she instantly cut eye contact and went towards the guest. Let me see how much you can ignore me today, sweetheart.

"Hold my beer, I will show you how it is done, asshole. It's time I officially meet Annlin William in person." Does anyone remember that I said I won't ever hurt Nakul? I like to take that back. Thank you.

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