"It's ok! I'm here. Everything's going to be alright" Izuku tried to calm her down as she panicked and hyperventilated.

Izuku winced as he suddenly felt panic flood him as well, as his connection to one of his duplicates was opened.

"Ninth! I could use some help!" Nana called to him over their link.

"I'm kinda busy at the moment" Izuku nervously called back as he rubbed Toga's head and leaned back against the teacher's desk while trying to calm her down.

"This really can't wait!" Nana replied with urgency, causing Izuku to grimace. The young hero was torn between helping the tormented girl carrying his children, in his arms and going to help Nana with whatever was giving her trouble.

Izuku's nerves we're starting to get the better of him, when Toga suddenly lifted her head with a sniffle.

"D-Deku..." she spoke weakly and Izuku was somewhat disturbed to see her so broken and teary eyed after getting used to insane yandere Toga.

She sniffled one more time as she blinked away her tears.

"Y-y-you need to g-go and help the others..." she started with a broken voice, leaving Izuku shocked. Especially since she was unaware of his mental communication. She was saying this completely of her own volition.

"I-I used another g-g-girl's quirk to make the others with me stronger for the fire and exhaust them... but the woman who snuck in with me didn't have a quirk that would contribute and she might..." Toga chocked on her words, having pushed herself a little too far just trying to say as much as she did.

Izuku shushed her and hugged her head to his shoulder again.

"Are you sure you'll be ok without me focusing on you?" he asked with worry and Toga hesitated for a moment as she choked again but ultimately nodded her head.

Izuku sighed as he made a duplicate.

"Ok" he said and Toga squeaked in surprise and anxiety as Izuku passed her to his duplicate's arms.

"I promise I'll be there to help when this is over" Izuku assured her as he wiped the tears from Toga's face. Izuku could only hope his words got through though, as everything proved to be too much for Toga's stressed brain and she passed out again.

Izuku was actually somewhat relieved that she was out cold as he and his double separated, with the real Izuku hading towards where he felt Nana. One For All sparking to life as he bounced down the corridors at blinding speeds.


Meanwhile, Nana was currently breathing heavily as a pink puddle of slime on the floor, with only her head still in the proper shape and a hole in the floor where her chest had been.

Nana quickly reformed herself and reverted back to normal, then immediately used Buzzed Bunny to escape and weave through the many projectiles tearing holes in the building and aiming for her.

"Shit, shit, shit" Nana thought with a grimace before the adrenaline high could kick in as she hopped down the hallway. She would have just stayed as slime, but she had even less control over that quirk then Izuku. The only reason he could use so many quirks immediately after getting them in the first place was because he had MADE them. Nana and the other vestiges didn't have that luxury, so their knowledge of them was rudimentary at best, unless they directly asked Izuku for advice.

And to make matters worse, Nana was quickly burning up yet another body. Though it was more justified this time.

Which is why she was quickly moving in the direction Izuku was coming from.

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