S2E1: What Are You, Belladonna?

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It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are signing, flowers be bloomin' and of course nothing could go wrong with an army landing at Beacon Academy.

Courtesy of General Ironwood, of course.

However, we're not here to see him, are we?

Let's see what the cast is doing, inside this prestigious academia...

Ah, team RWBY, minus V, are playing cards of course.





"Will someone put down a fucking card already? I'm sitting all the way over here and even I'm getting nervous."

The girls all looked at Kyle before eventually....

"Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby declared.

"Bring it on!"

Kyle sighed before looking back at Jaune who's standing nearby with his arms to his side.

Nora, Ren, and Phyrra are also present paying real close attention.

Especially Nora and Ren.

Especially Nora with her star filled eyes.

"Alright, Jaune. Focus. Feel the energy from your stomach and slowly bring it out. Relax your muscles."

"B-but don't you-?"

"I know. But you're doing it this way because you have so little potential in ki. I'm basically overflowing with it. Now focus."


Jaune focused as he breathed on and out.

It took a few seconds but eventually the air shifted in pressure as he began to float.

He peeked open an eye before eventually opening them up fully.

"I'm flying!"

"Easy now, don't let your emotions get a hold of your pow-"




Jaune got a bit too exited and crashed into the roof.

"Eight months... it's been eight months.. you can shoot ki blasts, raise your power level to heights one could only dream of, expand your aura to the extreme and this is what you struggle with."

"C'mon, Vegeta, give him a break."

Kyle looked at Phyrra. "Yeah you're right. I should've expected this to happen."

"Sup, loserssssuuuuhhh what happened to him?"

"Sun." Kyle greeted.

"Yang, Blake, Ice Queen."

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?"

"You wanna be called Snowflake instead?" Kyle snickered.

"Ew. Please don't. Somehow, that's worse."

"Anyway," Sun continued. "I never got to formerly introduce my old friend."

"Aren't libraries for readying?"

"Thank you!"

"Shut up, Ren. You wanted in on this too. And besides, the arena was packed with people I didn't feel like having them watch me train you guys."

"Yeah, shut up. Don't be a nerd."

"Ugugugugug! Intellectual, okay? Thank you. I'm Neptune."

"Jesus Christ, your name is long.. can I just call you N? That cool?"

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