Season 2: White Fang Saga

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"Come again soon!"

"Jesus Christ, Weiss.. do you really need these many?"

"Of course we do!"

It's been a couple weeks since the whole Faunus fiasco. Weiss and Blake got their differences straight and grew closer than they usually would. Now Kyle is "helping" them out with clothes shopping. Helping as in suffering.

He'd rather get beat up than walk all day. Speaking of which..

Kyle turned to Blake and asked, "How the hell are you not tired?"

She just shrugged.

"Can you at least help me with these bags?"

"You can't handle the weight?"

"I can. But not for a long time.. these muscles of mine are turning into jello."


They all turned their heads down the street at the sound of a police siren.

A crime scene happened in a bookstore.

"What on Remnant happened over there?" Weiss asked.

"Beats me" Blake answered.

Kyle, however, narrowed his eyes.. 'They're here. Then that means.. she's back.'
Beacon Academy, Lunchroom

"What'cha doin' ?" Yang asked as she slid over to Blake.

"Nothing.. just going over notes on last semester."

"Really? That drawing says otherwise.." Kyle pointed out a small sketch of Yang.

Blake quickly slammed the notebook shut and narrowed her eyes at Kyle.

Kyle, while staring at her in defiance, just opened his mouth and caught a grape thrown by Nora.

Yang just looked between the two, confused. Seems like she didn't see the drawing.

"Lame!" She exclaims as she caught a grape of her own.


"Fucking Christ...." Kyle stared at Ruby.

Ruby just slammed a bigass book on the table. "Ah-ahem. Sisters, friends! Weiss..-" "Hey!"

Ruby then went on with her "I have a dream" spee–

"I always start my semesters off with a Yang!"

Kyle gave her the death stare.

Then she got hit with an apple.

"Pff-!" Shit. That apple caught him off guard.

"But guys, it's been two weeks in between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year. Our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow."

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