Blue Trailer

370 5 2

*Action* (Or effect)
"Talking" (or YELLING)
"Voice Echo"
"Text in bold and underline" is not the protagonist.
Text ONLY in underline and italics is music lyrics.

Please start the music when told to for a better experience.
3rD PoV

This thing is humongous! And that's an understatement.. our protagonist has never seen a grimm like this.. does it even exist in the actual show..? Or maybe it does exist? He only watched RWBY until Phyrra's death. In which he really regrets.

It stands there; 13 feet tall, four glowing red eyes, that stupid fucking smirk, what seems like tusks growing out of its mouth, and that red headband... Why does it have a headba-?



He didn't have time to think, as the Ursa..? Launched towards him at inhumane speeds! And he did the same.


And then, they clashed. Fist to paw!


The sound of them clashing sounded of like a gunshot, the ground beneath them turned into a dirt crater in an instant.

They backed off of each other, a few meters apart, now staring at one another down.

(A/N: The song starts here!)

They stared each other down.. He clenched his fists while the bear thing groped the air with its claws, loosing them up to strike... before all of a sudden they began launching at each other again!

 before all of a sudden they began launching at each other again!

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Yuh, I woke up, I chose violence, choke up

The Ursa swiped so he ducked under.

These bitches silent, get fucked
Nowhere to hide and no luck

He retaliated with an uppercut but the Ursa surprisingly blocked the attack!

I must oblige I came to bludgeon all you pussies

The Ursa swiped again with its left arm, he weaved right before ducking down, kicking the Ursa's legs..

You could call it what you want
I been feelin' kinda manic, I might kill 'em just for fun

But the Ursa jumped over and kicked him instead!

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