Chapter 7- Kitten

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(this takes place just as the Commander has started counting...)

Cara ran for her life. For her sanity. Her feet crunched over debris scattered in the hallway. Broken glass, drywall and other garbage that had been there for years that no one cleaned up. She took the path through the middle of it, scanning for something big enough to use as a weapon. It was all too small.

Some of it looked like the white shards of bone. Oh god. She couldn't think about that. Not now. Couldn't stop or she'd fall apart into a million pieces of horror.

Getting away, finding some kind of a quick end in death had been her only goal since getting caught. Her father had told her what those ugly, rubber-armed werewolves would do to a woman. She'd never doubted him, though there were no other people around who'd survived encountering them that could tell the stories.

She was done for. But she would decide how she ended. Not them. Never them. No one could take away the right to decide her own destiny. She wouldn't let them.

The base commander was an unexpected sight. She'd heard of him, too. None of it good. The big bald turquoise suckers rarely left their safe little their strongholds.

Her senses went weird at first sight of him, head spinning. All she knew about his kind were the stories of grieving, frightened families made up when their people didn't return home after an encounter. He was worse than the muzzle-heads.

Dad had called the blue-green guys city-destroyers.

She had to get to that door at the back of the building, or better yet, find something she could use to impale herself. There was no choice but to escape whatever he had planned for her, one way or another.

Head throbbing from the earlier attempts to knock the life from her body, she ran as fast as she could. The more distance between herself and the city destroyer, the easier it was to think.

The hallway went like he said, but she knew enough about the building ahead of time to know he wasn't lying about that. Broken fluorescents lighting overhead and her frantic, oxygen deprived brain added to the sense that everything looked the same, mazelike. The old classrooms were missing their numbers. She couldn't tell if she'd gone far enough. Had she gone to the back of the building where the old playgrounds were?

Two open-doored rooms held nothing but single tables. Somewhat clean compared to the hall. No exits. Nothing to stab herself with.

Should she jump headfirst off a table?

She couldn't afford to be knocked out. She couldn't afford to survive. Not after smelling the monster. Not after he touched her and made her...feel.

Her nipples throbbed with every bounce of her chest, and her pussy had swollen up, freaking slick between her thighs. Why had she reacted to him that way? Why was she still reacting?

There was this nagging, terrible urge to run back to him so that she could sneak another sniff of his exotic scent.

He'd drugged her. Like a snake or a slime coated salamander or a sneaky poison mushroom. With just his touch on her bare skin, something hallucinogenic sank into her blood stream. That must be it. That could be the only reason for the baffling things popping into her head.

Touch me. Stroke me. Feel me. Want me. Fuck me. None of those thoughts came from her.

The aliens resemblance to humanoid ended at his general shape and clothing. He was taller than any man she'd ever seen, muscled and well proportioned, but the rest was all wrong. It was as if, on some foreign evolutionary scale, he'd started from a very different creature than she had.

He lacked human hair, eyebrows, decent eyelashes, although his skin looked velvet soft to the touch. He had strange plates and ridges on his face and what looked like extra bones in his neck and hands. His mouth was full of alligator teeth—a thing of nightmares.

Door. Door. What had he said? She opened one on her right. Saw nothing inside but darkness.

Keep going. There had to be something.

He was counting. She was running. Cara had to escape whatever it was he had planned.

What should happen next?

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