Updates - and a rewind.

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Hopefully the tube doesn't kill the sound on my video. 

That said. I got updates. If you follow me on REAM (check my links for this story) you can read FREE when you follow me all the small changes I've made  up to chapters 6 and 7.

Chapter 1- 6 Commander Bastian's 3rd person POV.

Chapter 7 & 8  Kitten's 3rd person Pov. (Posted here too. It will be messy. It will be chaos. But I'm doing it anyway.)

Chapter 9  Bastian's Pov and the smexy times (previously known as Chapter 8 and you may or may not have read this before if you are coming back to this story. )

Everything after Chapter 9 is Spankin' NEW. 

Audio is coming.


Let's make it FUN. Let's make it INTERactive.

Kitten's chapters will end with two Choose What Happens Next Questions. This will be a blast, really lame, or we'll all just get bored and wander off wondering why we ever walked this direction.

Everyone can read unlocked chapters here or on REAM. Club members get to read first and hold voting rights. I will be writing this story (without the choosing adventuresomeness) at some point, but I hope this will be fun. When I write it, I will post all of the rough and messy bits here for you to enjoy. So if you don't want to play along and you don't like guessing games, and you just want me to finish a damn story, you will be able to find it here too, at some point. 

Thanks for indulging me. 


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