Chapter 5

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This young woman couldn't win against him. He was too not-human, too inherently dangerous. But as fight or flight kicked in, she struggled. Fighting herself. Fighting him.

"No, no, no. Just kill me. Just kill me you bastard." Swinging her head, bending at the waist, her fear gave her strength but it wasn't enough to escape the inevitable.

Him. He was the inevitable.

Her heel thumped down near his fingers, and he glanced to see the carved Johnny Loves Sallie 2004 in the old, laminated wood. What was this woman's name? He hadn't asked. It didn't really matter. Like the human carving, that was her past. Nothing before meeting him would matter for her.

He put a hand on her knee. She fought harder. Instead of another spanking, Bastian changed tactics. Gentleness could be as keen a weapon as pain. Taking her into his arms, he cradled her, giving her time to test his steady strength and realize she wasn't going anywhere he didn't want her too. He wasn't a Red Hat she could slip away from.

She felt good there. Bastian hummed, a soothing rumble from his diaphragm. Tiny compared to him, he kept her high on his chest, mouth just touching her skin, where he could bathe her in his breath. Kitten would have to get used to his mouth. He'd be using it on her often.

Her pained cries lessoned to whimpers. He wished he had his shirt off for this, the better to feel every inch of her. Skin and rope. The earlier sweat produced by her fear from her apocrine glands, full of unique lipids and proteins, dampened his shirt. He wanted that precious spicy secretion on his own skin, where this finely tuned alter sensors would read every change, every flavor, every delicate note. A need to fully taste the minute traces of the salty musk of her arousal, buried under that hot fear, was making his undressing an imperative.

Damn fucking clothing. It was unnatural. No special make of fabric for primes worked the way Control said it would.

"Calm now, little kitten. Shh. You have had a hard day, but you can't escape me. The best you can do is work with me."

She was adorable. Cute in every way. In his world, all the cute things were gone, eaten up before his birth. Her hair made no sense to him, cut without reason. He'd have her grow it out. But it had to be off her face, like this, so that he could see the tiny dots of freckles across her nose highlighted every time her skin changed color with her emotions. The girl broadcast every feeling like an AI lightboard. Even in silence, she'd never be able to hide anything from him.

He wanted to view those fascinating emotions play in her eyes, her mobile nose, the twist and curve of her full lips. The girl had good teeth too, even if one of the front ones had an endearing chip in the bottom, peaking at him, teasing him with the irregularity.

"I didn't do anything, please," she mewed.

Keeping his hold firm, he caressed the exposed places of her skin between the bindings under his hands, running the pads of his fingers back and forth. Gentle, mind-bending touches in non-threatening places.

"It will be all right now." He soothed her. "You are stronger than you are letting on. I just need the truth. All of it. I need you to listen to me and it will be all right."

He thought she was telling the truth, or part of the truth. It wasn't absurd that petty despots made food difficult for pretty women in hopes of gaining favors. Her story rang true when it came to getting caught between wankers and the Red Hat duties. But the blurry time line in the middle, the fact that she was alone without any companion, these suspicious things needed clarity.

She gave a little shake of her head and Bastian smiled. It was hard to gaslight the naked, bound girl held effortlessly in the arms of a creature so foreign that her kind named them all monsters. She didn't believe a thing he said. But he had time. He knew what he was doing. Her stressed mind needed the relief of thinking it would be all right even if everything would never be the same for her again.

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