I Got Questions!

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Hey readers, thank you so much for reading this far but I have some questions.

A lot of people have requested Kitten's point of view. Usually I wouldn't rewrite a whole scene from a second point of view, but I get the feeling that's kind of what you guys want. Where do you think her POV should start? The interrogation? The chase? From the beginning?

This story is all about testing my writing skills and creating a scary, arrogant, unlikely love interest + a tense but kinky interrogation and chase scene. I learned a lot from your feedback and I'm going to do some rewriting there before going forward.

But ...what should come next? I'll take all your answers into consideration.

It is meant to be short though -  there's some tiny plot stuff involving a name day blade, but other than some feels I was gonna keep this a short story.

The Commander - A Sexy Alien Invasion Story.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora