Chapter 2 - Commander Bastian

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On the walk back to Correction from his apartment, he could still smell her. An invisible curl of feminine capsaicin in the air, sizzling on the flat of his primary tongue. Her fear drew him closer, a bright heartbeat-blood smear across a darkened grey landscape of monotony. Would she taste as good as she smells?

This was what the Council wanted. They'd use this attraction against him. If he was to go near her, he couldn't leave any vulnerabilities lying about in the open for Control to get a hold of and extort. They would love nothing better than to have some juicy bait to tease and manipulate him with.

He was here, doing their bidding on this planet, because in a long life, there was nothing else to do. His kind hunted, fought, killed-martial to their core. On board a battle bird speeding through the stars, his favorite pastimes were done in dull, bloodless, simulated environments. He exerted his muscles, but not his mind.

This natural, plant based oxygenated air suited him better than space-travel recycled air and the nutrients here, when cultivated properly, tasted better than manufactured shit provided elsewhere. But he wasn't going to let his enjoyment of breathing and eating to turn him into a council toy. They directed him. He followed their directions at his leisure.

The grunts had brought the woman in from the south of the town and dragged her all across the open court of the base. Every male in the compound now knew a woman had been taken to corrections. They would have gotten the whiff of her as he had. Red Hats wouldn't expect Base Commander Bastian to waste too much time with her, in spite of his order to set her aside. He usually didn't for small infractions like curfew breaking.

Inside corrections, he was unsurprised to discover unwashed, off duty males, grouped together in lobby of the old, human built school, stinking up the air smoking the human made cigarettes. They had definitely smelled the girl.

"Get back to your bunks." He ordered, irritated, making note of every slack-mouth, dribbling face. They might all essentially look alike to him, too mundane and useless to take time to note the differences, except for the code marks on their cheeks. He memorized those with a glance.

More waited right outside the room where he'd ordered her taken. Hairy, dirty bodies in blocked his way before they noticed him coming down the hall and scattered like fuzzy legged insects. They wanted their turn. "What are you doing here?"

Ears tipped down, and heads ducked in guilt.

"Sir. Do you need help? This one looks suspicious," 56983 asked, its tongue thick over the words. Red Hats naturally communicated in grunts and barks, wiring in their brains gave them basic soldier abilities, but it wasn't a clean transfer.

"Haven't I set her aside for inspection?" Grabbing the grunt by the oily nape of its neck, Bastian lifted, and gave him a shake. It's eyes bulged and tongue lolled out of the slack, submissive mouth, but it wasn't enough.

Slamming it against the solid cinder block wall, Bastian twisted his wrist until he heard the right snap and pop before tossing it at the others and sending them tripping to their knees. The Red Hat only had time to kick once.

"Leave and take out the trash."

He wasn't going to share, they'd already had more of her than they deserved. What was his, stayed his. In life and death. That fact should be obvious to them.

The bleach smell of their piss and shit stank up the air as they ran back to their bunks to escape his irritation. Their smell had fouled hers. Damn them. Doors creaked and slammed as the building emptied of non-regulation personnel. Some of the grunts carried weapons capable of taking him down, but they would never dare.

After the old doors closed, silence settled into the building. There were two other humans currently contained in control, long term males with their own personal minders. The office with loggers keeping track of the base, kept its doors closed. Bastian wasn't alone with her, but this felt close enough to please his outer senses. No one would disturb them in this extensive building. Built of sturdy human materials from a time when longevity meant something to its makers, the pre-fall school walls dulled the range of distress calls humans could emit.

He stopped at the door of the classroom and waited. Enjoying the moment, letting the delicate human hind brain sense the foreboding of a predator lurking outside the last barrier of separation. Was she as aware of him as he was of her?

She would look amazing with her hands bound behind her back, bindings wrapping her elbows and wrists-the coils of rope now done in the proper manner. Her legs tied at the upper thigh, knees, and ankles. What could she do but quiver? Humans didn't really need the over-kill of that much binding, but he knew it would mess with her head to be trapped and helpless.

Standing outside the closed door, he laid a hand on the metal and opened his hunting senses. The captive talked to herself inside, wrestling with her restraints, encouraging herself to execute an escape by breaking bones and freeing herself of the ropes.

That would work for getting out of the ropes. Not the building.

"One step at a time. Gotta do it. One step at a time. Harder. Faster. Hurry."

He opened the door, and the captive female sucked in her breath. Instead of where he wanted her, the young woman's struggle pressed her up against one corner. Using the speed gifted by the gravity of this planet, he dragged her to the center of the room before she could scream in surprise. He was too fast for her to see, feeling his hands lift her body up and drop her on the table before her slow understanding caught up.

Spiraling into noisy terror, her jagged scream hit every wince-inducing pitch.

"Stop that!" He smacked her on her thigh. Her clothes dulled the blow, but she understood, mouth clamping shut, biting her lips.

"Better. None of that now unless I give you a real reason for it, human. Nod your head if you can understand me?" The immersion study primes endured before the invasion had taken time to adjust to the reality of the world. He'd been here long enough now that the translation between what he'd learned and cultural realities of this backwater, ignorant culture had smoothed out so that what he said matched exactly what he intended. Usually.

She nodded. Perfect. Just perfect. Cheeks and lips red, the rest of her face was white with fear under the dirt of her ordeal. Eyes wet, swollen, she blinked tears, and gulped down panic, too afraid to give herself permission to fall completely apart when that is exactly what her brain said she should do.

Humans had hundreds of languages. He smiled in satisfaction knowing that this little thing and he were speaking the same one.

She winced at his smile. Too many teeth for her liking. His cheekbones and jaw were more prominent and sharper than any of her soft, dough-faced males. The girl didn't know where to put her eyes. His size, shape, appearance, and even his scent screamed alien predator to her brain, telling her to panic.

"What are you? Who are you?" She blurted out as she tried to pull back as far away from him as possible. There was nowhere for her to go.

"I get to ask the questions." Planting his hands on either side of her head, he bent down over her to give her a better view of his face. This close to her full aroma, he couldn't stop himself from taking it in. She smelled so good. The muscles in his neck and shoulders constricted, instinct fighting his self-control. It was a battle to keep from growling in anticipation. Salty and sweet, hot and tangy with fear, his outer senses craved more of this essece, to find the source, to lap it all up.

Unfortunately, he needed answers before the fun could begin. 

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