Chapter 5

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Fixed the glitch, had to repost the chapter!


"Be on your guard," Thorin called from the path leading away from Rivendell. "We're about to step over the edge of the Wild."

Thorin had decided to leave without waiting on Gandalf. Something I did not understand.

I was perched up on Alastor's back, I caught Thorin's eyes on me again when he glanced back at the Company.

He always seemed to find me in the Company, even if I wasn't even near him.
We haven't spoken since I told him one of my deepest secrets. I buried everyone in my Clan, eleven year old me.

The trauma I had suffered was enough to make someone hide for almost a hundred years. I was a coward for not fighting Smaug sooner, the shame of not journeying to the Lonely Mountain and ending his terror.

The Misty Mountains wasn't too far in the distance. Once we got to the base of the mountain range, I slid off Alastor's back. I got my bow, quiver and scimitar. "Might be best if you meet us on the other side," I said to him.

"Are you sure Milady?" he asked through our mindlink.

I nodded. "Be safe around the mountains, I do not know if the Stone Giants are fighting again or not."

Alastor waited for me to get the rest of my supplies before flying off.

"Why did you send him off?" Ori asked. "He's a good fighter."

"The Mountains is too treacherous on foot for a Dragon," I explained. "He'll meet us on the other side."

I was right about the Mountains being dangerous, especially for two feet, much less four.

The trail was narrow, barely perched on a steep cliff face. I was behind Thorin as we traveled up the trail.

"Hold on," Thorin yelled over the wind.
The wind was pounding against the cliff, daring to throw me down to the gorge below.

I slipped slightly, grabbing onto Thorin's wrist for support. He didn't turn his head but the way he tightened his grip on my hand made my heart flutter.

"Look out!" Dwalin's voice yelled over the wind.

Looking up, a massive boulder was flying through the air. Thorin turned  immediately to cover me.

I was rather surprised by his actions, feeling my face heat up despite the fact I was soaked from the downpour of rain. 
The mountain rumbled and shook by the impact of the boulder shattering.

More rocks shatter and splinter into smaller pieces. They tumbled down the cliff below causing more vibrations as they fell.

"This is no thunderstorm, this a thunderbattle!" Balin yelled over the wind.

"Giants," I yelled. The wind whipped in my ears, the rain becoming a fierce hail of arrows.

"The legends are true," Bofur added.

We braced as more rocks tumble down the mountain, turns out was standing on one Giants knees. We was split, all of us trying to hang on to the mountain and each other.

Thorin jumped to another section of the trail on the path. "Come on," he yelled at our half of the Company.

I followed him, leaping to safety.

The others follow suit, landing easily on the safer place of the path.

The other half of the Company isn't so lucky, the Giant they was standing on slipped from a hit by a boulder. It fell down the chasm, seeming as if they was crushed.

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