Chapter 6

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Not chapter 5, wattpad glitched on me!

Following Gandalf through the tunnels seemed endless. Kili and I had been taking shots at the goblins chasing us. Trying to get some separation.

"How many arrows you got?" I yelled at the boy.

"Not enough," he replied.

"Come on, just run." I grab his hand as we follow the company through twists and turns. We came to a gap with a rickety platform hung up between them.

We jump on to the platform, making it swing to the other side, unfortunately on half of the Company was able to jump before it swung back, allowing more goblins to jump on.

I pushed the others ahead, I had a plan.

"Ira come on," Thorin yelled at me.

I lept but as I did I swung my scimitar, cutting the ropes the platform was held from. Landing gracefully on my feet, I watched it tumble into the darkness taking goblins with it.

Glancing towards Thorin, I saw his expression turn to one of slight fear to amazement.

"Quickly this way," Gandalf yells going through one of the tunnels. We follow, the tunnels was mazes.

"Gandalf do you know where your going?" I asked.

He doesn't have time to answer. Boards crashed as the Goblin King broke up through a platform, leading to freedom. The glow of daylight beamed down the tunnel.

"What are you gonna do now Wizard and Whore?" He cackled.

Gandalf stuck his staff into his mangled eye bringing him to his knees and then a cut to his stomach brought him further down. "Ira, I believe this moment falls to you."

The Goblin shrieked in pain. "That'll do it."

I step forward, brandishing my scimitar. My words echoing off the stone. "I am Ira Stormbreaker, great granddaughter of Chief Iron Breath. I will finish what he started. Jua Denshë Goblin-ea Nësheë."

The Great Goblin understood the words. "Strike all Goblins down, Goblin Slayer..."

One slice of my scimitar brought his head clean off his shoulders. Black blood squirted from his throat, spilling over his fat stomach. His head rolled off, tumbling down the chasm below.

I wiped my blade and placed in back in its sheathe. Relief from gaining revenge on a long time foe of my people. It soon turned into terror.

The platform shook, ropes snapped. It then gave way. We was free falling. An arm snaked around my midsection. It was Thorin, he pulled me into his chest, his grip locked.

I felt my face heating up.

Screams come from the Dwarves as we tumble down into darkness, then groans come from us landing in a heap of rubble.

Thorin cups my face, his eyes, full of worry, search for any visible wounds but finds none.

"I'm alright," I said. "I'm not hurt."

Bofur's voice broke our attention. "That could have been worse."

Thorin helps me to my feet, just as the Goblin King's body falls on top of the remaining Dwarves. The others grumble at Bofur for jinxxing it.

"Gandalf!" Kili shouts.

Whipping my head around, thousands of goblins start running down the walls. Enraged at the death of their leader.

"Quickly up on your feet," Gandalf said. "Follow me."

Evening daylight beckons us to follow, racing down the mountainside, we don't stop till we're far from the tunnel.

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