Chapter 4

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I followed Elrond into Rivendell, it was still as beautiful as I remembered. The city reminded me alot of my home in the North. I flew over the city seeing the Dwarves and Gandalf in one of the courtyards.

Alastor landed in the nearest courtyard to my own dwelling in the city. It was small and I hardly stayed in in long. Mainly for flybys and short stays. I did keep extra clothes there for when I needed to be much more then a simple hunter.

An Elven girl came by to keep it tidy from the dust but I didn't belong in Rivendell and I knew it.

My heart belonged to the North. That was my place, my home.

I released Alastor from his bridle and saddle. "We can rest for a while now," I said to him.

He snorted and shook his head, he settled down and rested in the courtyard. I decided to change before dinner. I also took another bath before to wash the grit and grime off.

After my bath and drying off, I decided to show those Dwarves that I could pull myself together. That I wasn't just a Tamer, but the granddaughter of the Chief.

I dressed in a more formal dress. It was still had the one shoulder piece as was the look for most females in the Tamers. Since women was in battle as well as the men, the one shoulder piece was bare on their dominate arm -as in all my outfits had my right shoulder exposed. In any case that an enemy attacked we could defend ourselves without worrying about digging straps into our shoulders.

My dress was a dark grey with silver and white feathers on the skirt, it was plain with no heavy adorments or gems. It was simple, how the Tamers use to be. Since we was considered warriors there was no need for any other thing that could easily have gotten lost or stolen but a silver cape came from it's back and went down to the floor signaling my status as part of the ruling family.

Natural beauty was much more elegant then heavy gowns, makeup and gems.

Since Tamers outfits was more for war then for impressions I could easily put it on myself. I put on white lace up sandles on my legs. I didn't bother with my weapons. Rivendell was safe and I hardly needed with them when I was here.

My hair was back up in it's signature braids, it was the warrior hairstyle.

Walking out of my house I saw Alastor eating from a cart full of vegetables, he doesn't really care for "rabbit food" but Elves was known for being vegetarians.

Alastor hardly complains when he's given food, a dragon's belly can handle any type of food, but he sure has his favorite types.

I heard the Dwarves in the dining room before I even got there. I caught their king's attention easily. Their conversations slowly stop as I enter the room.

"Ira!" I hear.

Fili and Kili ambush me in a group hug. It felt good to be 'accepted' for once. I hadn't really hugged other people before so it was a little akward but they seemed to not care.

"Where's Alastor?" Kili asked me.


"The lad eats more then us," Fili said as they went to their seats again.

I joined Elrond, Gandalf and Thorin at the 'adult' table it would seem.

Thorin and my eyes kept meeting as we ate the food of vegtables. Spirits he couldn't keep his eyes off me as Gandalf and Elrond spoke.

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