Chapter 10

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"Thorin!" I yell. "Fili? Kili?" I yell all their names as I venture deep into the forest.

Gandalf had left us for some reason to ride North for some reason. It was up to me to find the Company.

A blonde flash came into the trees as did an arrow. I landed in the tree branch beside me. I notched an arrow into my bow. It was an Elf I knew that much by the make of the arrow.

I mustered up the few bits of Elvish I knew. "Im tul- in sídh!"
I call into the trees.

I come in peace!

"We have no need for a Dragon Tamer here in my father's realm," a male voice came above me in the Common Tounge.

Looking up I saw a blonde elf. He had an arrow notched into his bow ready to fire.

"I am simply traveling," I explained.

"Traveling with a dragon at your side?"

"He is my friend Master Elf, where he goes I go."

"Hmm fair enough, how do you know Elvish?"

"Hir Elrond taught nin some. Nin est- na- Ira Stormbreaker, Princess -o i an," I replied in Elvish. Lord Elrond taught me some.

My name is Ira Stormbreaker, Princess of the North.

"Im am cóon Legolas -o i Woodland Realm," he replied, bowing his head in respect.

I am Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm.

I also bowed my head in respect to his title.

He looked around and spoke again in the Common Tounge. "It will be dark soon. Since you know Lord Elrond, might I offer you dinner?"

"Of course," I said softly.

Another voice, a female's, cut through the trees. "Milord Legolas?"

A pretty she-Elf with red hair came through with the Dwarves being led by other Elves.

Thorin looked at me, his eyes glaring. They was covered in webs; from what spawn of the infamous spider, Ungoliant, I did not want to know.

I shook my head softly hoping he didn't believe I ratted them out to the Elves. 

"Do you know them Stormbreaker?" Legolas asked.

I looked at him then Thorin, I knew I had to lie to escape capture. My heart crunched as the words left me. "No, I've never seen them before in my life."

Legolas had looked as if he didn't believe it at first but he didn't say anything else.

They has stripped them of their weapons, Legolas was shocked when an Elf brought him Orcrist.

"Echannen ivegil hen vin Gondolin magannen nan Gelydh." Legolas said.

This is an ancient Elvish blade, forged
by the Noldar.

He pointed it at Thorin. I had to fight my instinc to protect him, the guilt still wrecked my brain from our own fight just hours ago. "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me," Thorin explained.

Legolas didn't believe him. "Not just a thief but a liar as well. Enwenno hain!"

Take them away!

I could only watch as they dragged the Dwarves off in chains back to the Woodland Realm. I followed behind with Legolas.

The redheaded Elf, Tauriel, spoke to me. "Your dragon, is he friendly?"

"Yes, as long as no one makes a move to harm me," I explained.

The Last Dragon TamerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora