Macaque x Monkey reader

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You had a boyfriend, their name was Macaque. But you couldn't tell your brother, Sun Wukong. You have heard the stories that your brother tells you and you didn't really believe any of that.

To you, Macaque was a gentle person to you, he didn't seem harsh. He would only be harsh whenever he was pissed off or something like that.

But for your information, you didn't tell your boyfriend that your brother was Sun Wukong. You were worried that they might have like some sort of fight.

"Hey, N/N. Could you buy me some of those peach chips?" Wukong crossed his legs as he sat down on his nimbus cloud. You nod and grab your wallet.

"Alright, I won't be long-" "I'll come along-" "No. You won't, besides you'll grab more peach chips." You interrupt Wukong as he interrupted you first.

You shapeshift into a human to blend into the city. You gave your brother a small wave before you exit the mountain and head into the city.

You were heading to the store to buy some chips that your brother loves so much, those fucking Peach Chips.

As you enter the store, you notice a man following you, you sighed and didn't hesitate to point your pocket knife at him.

To your surprise, it was Macaque! "Oh, sorry hun. I didn't know it was you." You giggle nervously. You didn't know it was him.

"Ah, it's fine, lotus. Anyways, where are you going?" Macaque asked, folding his arms over his chest. He raised an eyebrow at you and smirk.

"Oh, I'm just buying some chips for my.. brother!" You didn't mention the name of your brother, considering your brother was Sun Wukong.

"Oh, I never knew you had a brother, lotus. What's his name?" He asked. You pretended that you didn't hear him and kept walking towards the store.

"Lotus, what is his name?" Macaque repeated, following you with light footsteps. You ignore him again.

You were close to the store, but Macaque quickly grabs your hand and pulls you into an empty alleyway. He pins you to the wall and placed his hand beside your head.

"Okay, lotus. You're acting really suspicious right now. You're ignoring me and you keep dodging my questions about your brother. Why is that?" He asked, pressing his body against yours.

You gulp nervously. "Well.. my brother isn't that important.. Why is it such a big deal?" You tilt your head, smiling nervously at him.

"Why is it such a big deal? It's because you've been ignoring the questions I ask you about him. Why won't you just answer my question? It's just a simple question, lotus" He asked.

You rub your neck as you continue to stare at him nervously. "Well.. it's just because-" Suddenly, you heard a loud thud behind Macaque.

"Macaque! Targeting my sister, huh?!" Sun Wukong glares at him. "So that's why you wouldn't answer my question.." Macaque sighed and lookLpps over at Wukong.

"Cmon! Your sister hasn't told you?" He wraps an arm around your waist. You looks over at your brother Wukong and stare at him nervously and anxiously.

"Y/N. What is this?" Sun Wukong turns to look at you. You stay quiet and sigh, you thought it was now the time to tell him.

"Look, I can explain." You try to walk towards Wukong, but Macaque kept a tight grip on your waist, making you unable to move towards Wukong.

"Explain. How did you meet and when did this relationship start." Wukong began to glare daggers at Macaque. He sighed in frustration and glares back. You clear your throat to get their attention.

You begin to explain that you and Macaque met in an alleyway. You almost were a huge mess while being in that alleyway because you were defending a child from getting kidnapped.

Macaque was cold, but he wasn't heartless. He jumps down and began summoning his shadow clones to save you and the kid.

You actually fell for him first, but Macaque fell harder. After you guys met, you and Macaque would meet more often. But Wukong wouldn't know.

One day, you ended up confessing your love to Macaque, but he didn't respond, making you think he didn't love you back. But after a while moments, he regains his courage to return the feelings to you.

Now, it has been 5 years since you've dated Macaque. "So.. Why didn't you tell me?" Wukong asked, raising an eyebrow at you and his expression softening.

That was an easy question. "It was because I was scared that you were gonna fight," You look back at Macaque and sign. "I was also scared because I thought you would end our relationship just because Wukong was my brother"

You could see Macaque frown. "Why would I end my relationship with a lotus like you?" Macaque placed a hand on your shoulder as you began to fidget with your fingers.

You didn't answer his question. You look over your brother with an apologetic look, he sighed in response. "Wait, better question. Why are you here?" You suddenly ask Wukong.

"Oh, uh. It's because.." Wukong looks away, tapping his foot on the ground. You raise an eyebrow at him, "Were you stalking your own sister?" Macaque squinted his eyes at him.

"Uhh, definitely not." Wukong answered. You sigh and chuckle a bit, "Yeah, yeah. Okay.."You rub your neck. "So.. are you two chill?" You ask. They both nod in reply.

"Yeah, I guess so.." Wukong shrugs. "I hope so." Macaque looks over at him and raises an eyebrow. "You won't hurt my sister, right?" Wukong asked. "Because if you will.. be prepared to lose that other ey-" "Wukong!" You interrupt him.

"What?? It's true.. only if he hurts you" Wukong smirks.

I got so lazy at the end okay???

Requested by: plzthrowmetrash

I'm sorry if I didn't make it as you wanted it to be D:

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