Rivalry.. with a cat?

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After you met Wukong. Wukong has been annoyed with the black cat you have. You defend the cat you have, which was named (Cat name), but Wukong kept arguing with it. You have no idea why he has some rivalry relationship with the cat you have, but he just has it.

Now, you were on your bed, petting and stroking the black cat you own. The cat purrs and leans into your touch, nuzzling your hand. Wukong came to visit you.. for no reason whatsoever. He spotted the cat and immediately got annoyed, "Why do you hate my cat so much?" You ask, pointing out the fact that he hates, absolutely hates your cat. "I just.. I don't like cats" Wukong lied, greatly. "Uhhh, okay then" You shrug before you go back to petting and stroking your own cat. You were still greatly confused by the fact he 'hated' cats, but you just shrug it off.

Wukong sat down next to you on the couch and hugged you. "How'd you even meet that cat of yours?" Wukong asked suddenly. You just found the cat in a theater, a shadow theater maybe? "I found him in a theater" You reply to his question. Wukong shrugged and lets go of you before he leaned against the couch. "Ah well, if it doesn't cause any harm.." Wukong said, glaring at the cat as it glared back at him. "Okay! What is up with you and the cat?" You ask, you sighed in annoyance. The cat meow and purrs as it nuzzles into you, pissing wukong off "Okay, fine. That cat looks exactly like my enemy!" Wukong confessed. "What?" You were genuinely confused, how on earth was a cat his enemy? "How on heavens.. is a cat your enemy?!" You exclaim in confusion. "It looks like Macaque!" Wukong replied. You suddenly stare at him nervously. "O-OH.. that guy who kept visiting me and kept calling me.. 'stars'" You reply nervously, the cat caught your attention and climbed up to your head.

"MACAQUE KEEPS VISITING YOU?!" Wukong yelled, his eyes going wide. "I didn't know he was your enemy!" You reply, yelling back. Wukong sighed in annoyance, "He always hangs out with me" You reply, lowering your tone. The cat meows and hissed at Wukong. "Your cat.. is literally my enemy right now" wukong grabbed the cat and shook it "Hey! Stop!!" You try to grab the cat but it was too hard.

All of the sudden, the cat turned into a black monkey, who was Macaque. "Okay okay, fine.." Macaque kicked his chest, making him fly backwards before he turned into a cat again, he jumps on your lap and nuzzled your chest. Meanwhile, your were in disbelief. Wukong was right. "Goddammit! Mac!" You blush furiously and sighed. You pet his head, not aware of Wukong anymore. You wanted to ignore the fact that your cat was Macaque, and so you did. You lived happily ever after with your cat, or with macaque

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