Weird feeling

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Basically. When you met Macaque he was tense and a bit rude around you. He couldn't trust you. But, after you showed small signs of affections towards him. He had a weird feeling and doesn't want you to leave him

(This is a AU where MK is now Macaque's successor)

"Cmon, Y/N! You have to meet my mentor again!" MK pleaded. You groan and sigh. "Why do I have to keep meeting this mentor of yours?" You ask MK. "So you can get to know him, Duhh!" MK scoffed. And before you knew it, he grabbed your wrist and dashed to Macaque's dojo. "S-Slow down, MK!" You couldn't keep up with MK. He ran too fast, causing you to fall, making MK fall with you. "Goddammit!" You yell a bit loudly as you rub your head. "Sorry, Y/N. I was just-" "it's okay, MK" You sigh and chuckle a bit before you got up and ran as fast as MK.

After a while. You two made it to Macaque's dojo. MK enters and you follow behind him. You see Macaque training by himself for a bit, but when Macaque noticed you, he growls almost immediately. MK looks back at you with a questionable gaze. "So thats why you don't wanna see him" MK chuckled nervously. MK then made his way to Macaque with you behind him, "Why is Y/N here?" Macaque glares at you as he asked. "I just want Y/N to get to know you!" MK replied nervously, rubbing his neck. Macaque scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Y/N.. I don't wanna see Y/N anymore" Macaque confessed and continued to glare at you. MK sighed and decided to take the risk. MK grabbed your wrist and grabbed Macaque's and dragged both of you into a room, "Okay! You two are gonna wait here for an hour, otherwise I won't train with you ever again" MK explained and pouted. Macaque scoffed and looks at you softly. "Why MK?!" You question, clearly pissed off. "I need you two to know each other better" MK replied before he exits the room and locks the door.

After a while, you stayed quiet while you and Macaque stayed inside the room. The awkward silence filled the air as you two kept quiet, until Macaque broke the silence. "Where do you come from?" Macaque asked. "I came from.. Megapolis" You reply, "Have you ever had any friends?" You suddenly ask. That might've struck a nerve there. Macaque's expression saddens a bit, "I used to have one. His name was Sun Wukong, The Monkey king. We used to be close.. until he decided to kill me.." Macaque explained, his tone of voice grew quieter as he showed his eye. Your eyes widen at the sight. "I'm sorry for having to ask you that, Macaque" You frown a bit and place your hand on his head before you pet it slowly.

His eyes widen before he suddenly let out what sounded like a purr. You smile a bit and kept petting him, you place your other hand on his ear and began stroking it. He suddenly lets out a soft moan while you did so. That shocked you greatly. You removes your hand from his ear until he grabbed your hand and placed it back on it. "K-keep stroking.." Macaque looked away as his cheeks flush a bit. You sigh and place your hand back on his ear and strokes it. Macaque hasn't shown this side of his for a long time, he suddenly grew weaker the more you stroke his ear.

An hour had pass. MK slowly unlocks the door and opens it to get a peek of the two of you. You two were asleep. Macaque had his arms wrapped around you while he sat on your lap, facing you, and you had your hand on his head. MK smiled at this sight, he didn't expect his mentor to be This.. this soft? That's the word. "I guess I'll leave them be for now." MK smiled faintly and closed the door, but not locking it.

Another hour passed. And you were the first to wake up. You yawn and rub your eyes before you grab Macaque's waist and lift him off your lap. You got up, and before you could leave. Macaque grabbed your arm and gripped it tightly. "D-dont leave. Not yet.." His voice was drowsy, meaning to say that he just woke up. You sigh and sat back down on the ground. Macaque began to crawl back on you lap and rest there. You pat his head while it was resting on your chest. "Your cute" You blurted out all of the sudden. All of his eats twitched as a huge blush began to cover his face. You chuckle at the sight, his six ears start to glow different colors. "Thanks, Y/N.." He smiled slightly. You never seen him smile before, it was always a smirk, but you never seen him actually smile before. You sigh and wrap your arms around him, and so did him. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, not wanting to let go.

This was the perfect spot.
None of this wouldn't happen if MK hadn't put you in the room.
But, Macaque and You were glad he did.

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