Sudden accident

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(Requested by Mir4nd4_Lyn3)

So, you recently got into an accident, a car accident and Wukong didn't know. You couldn't leave him a message because you were in the hospital. You were staying there for a month, meanwhile Wukong starts to become worried and he hasn't known that you were in the hospital yet.

You wave Wukong goodbye as you leave the house and got into your car. You grab your keys and put them in the keyhole before twisting it. The engine starts as you turn on the Aircon Condition in the car. You drove off, leaving Wukong in your place. Alone.

While you were driving, you suddenly got a text from him, followed by a call which distracted you greatly. You turn to your phone while you were driving and grab it before you answered it. Until all of the sudden, you crash into another car, making your car flip over and get flung into the air. And with that, you closed your eyes and let the darkness consume you.

Suddenly, you awoken on a hospital bed. You rub your head and try to remember anything that happened that day. You sigh and rest your head on the comfortable pillow as you drift off into slumber.

Meanwhile, with Wukong. A day passed since the incident happened with you. Wukong kept waiting for you, but you never came back. He became hugely concern for your well-being. He grabs his phone and dials your number, only for you not to pick up. He desperately waited for your answer and especially for your arrival. He placed his phone back on the desk and began growing weak as the days went on. He became more and more worried about you, he had many, many thoughts and scenarios of what would happen to you

'Did Y/N die?'
'Did Y/N ditch on me?'
'Did Y/N leave me for someone else?'
'Am I being cheated on?'
'Would Y/N ever return?!'

Those thoughts overcame his mind as he tried to push them away. Wukong grew more weaker the longer you were gone. He had stop eating and drinking, he knew he was a bad cook and he didn't wanna set your kitchen on fire! He just kept waiting on the couch, just desperately waiting for your arrival.

Soon, a week passed. And MK came to visit. Even Mei, they both visit him and open the door. MK sat down beside Wukong, while Mei say across him. "Haven't you heard?" MK asked quietly. "About w-what?" Wukong replied, genuinely confused to why you still haven't returned. "Y/N got into a serious car crash and Y/N won't be able to come back until a month" Mei explained. Wukong's concern and worry grew as he heard about the news. "W-what?!" He exclaimed. He started trembling, afraid that you might have died during the car crash. "But it's okay, Monkey king. Y/N is fine, Y/N survived" MK replied, patting Monkey king's back in an attempt to comfort him. "Y/N.. is okay?" Wukong sighed in relief and placed his knees over his chest before he started hugging himself. "Yes, Y/N is okay" Mei replied, nodding.

After a while. MK and Mei decided that they'd leave for now. Wukong grew weaker, until he sobbed uncontrollably. Tears ran down faster on his cheeks as he cried his ass off. He missed his Y/N. So much. Monkey King felt quite lonely without Y/N, so he had spent the entire day moping around the living room and the couch where he was. He couldn't help but stop eating, drinking, or do anything at all. He just sat there with his dried up tears. He couldn't cry anymore  he has wasted all of his tears. All because of one accident.

Another week had passed, and Wukong's depressed state was getting more worse and desperate the longer Y/N was gone. He kept whispering to himself that everything will be fine. Everything is fine. But he isn't.Wukong had a really sad expression on his face as he was crying in the couch, wondering when he would be able to see his sweet Y/N again..

A month had finally pass.. Y/N was able to get out of the hospital in one piece. Although, Wukong did know, he just forgot. Wukong's stomach rumbled, there were bags under his eyes. He looked so weak in this condition. He heard the door open, he didn't even look at the door. "Sweetheart.. what happened to you..?" A familiar voice came from the door which alerted Wukong immediately. "Y-Y/N?!" He smiled happily and quickly rushed over to hug you. "I missed you so, so, so much!" Wukong smiled, nuzzling the crook of your neck. "Wukong.. you don't look so good.." You cup his chin, your eyes widen. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just.. I was sad.. and i-i.." Wukong didn't continue. You already knew what happened. He quickly lets go of you. "I know your upset..-" "it's okay, Wukong. I'll cook us up some food and get yourself something to drink" You smile at him and rush to the kitchen to prepare some instant noodles for the two of you. You were at the counter when you suddenly felt something wrap around your waist. "I'm sorry for.. not eating or do anything really.. for a whole month.." Wukong apologized. "Eh? You always do that" You teased and kissed the tip of his nose. "Drink something, Wukong" "I wanna drink you.." Wukong said quietly. "What?" Your cheeks flush. "I'm kidding, I'll help myself something to drink.. And I am never letting you out of my sight.. you hear me?" Wukong whispered. You nod in reply "Good.. Good" He smiled.

And you never left without him ever again.

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