Chapter 8

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* S a m u e l *

Struggle what I did my whole life to reach at this point from where the world looks smaller than it is .

Hard work was the first word in my dishnory , So i spent so many years working at different level from which i can learn many things.

And last education I completed it while working in that way i got the knoledge of both the fields in very short period of time.

It took me day and night of hard work and dedication to become what iam right now .

I was very sane person, some where calling me rude but it was better to be rude at some point rather than to forget the goal of life and waste it in nothing for good things .

But by sanity and everything which was making me a stable person ,focused person was shaken by the green doe eyes .

I was never interested in girls before because i never had that much time date or live the life full . I was always chasing the dreams to become the top.

But the day i saw that beautiful ocean green eyes i lost it . Just in the few seconds i started to loose the sanity in me there was developing  a restlessness and a different kind of urge to see that eyes every second of my life .

It was like I was bewitched by its depth and in which I was drowning without my notice .

That day 2 and half year ago i saw my life for which i was ready to losses mine.

2 and half years ago i attended my one of the college friends marriage which was in italy .

It was destination wedding , the girl was indian and he was was american.
They were in love and decided to take it further to marriage .

I was ready to attend it that time due to my hectic schedule but my mom insist me and I was forced to attend the wedding, but if I had not gone there i would have never got the reason to feel the happiness of that thing which people called love.

I still remember that day , she was clad in a beautiful white indian suite
looking just like a angel .Long brown hair, green ocean like eyes , that rosey cheecks which were inviting me to take a bite ,and that lips which were curved in to big  smile and turned into the biggest as she was laughing on something her friends was telling her, as if she notice me staring she turned her eyes towards and met mine that was the moment i was gone , I was washed of cause I never felt something strong like this in my whole life.

The air was knocked out of me when she gave me a small smile.My heart was thummping vastly and loudly which was dead this all years . for some time I felt cold rushed through my vain and I was frozen on my place.

She turned towards the other side and left with her friends and I still was on the same place stucked.

I got clinched when one of my friend Aarav put his hand on my shoulder.
That mo.entry i noticed i was holding my breath which I exale loudly.

"Dude, whats wrong, everything ok"

"Yeah , I was just lost in thoughts , you know business and all ". I exale a lot amount of air while sighing .

Shades Of Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora