Now that everyone had prepared, they began heading toward Scott and Jimmy's base. Scar stopped outside a big wall made out of different types of wood surrounding something. "Well this is yours guys is base!" Scar said, seeming proud and wanting them to see the inside of it. But Jimmy was curious about one particular detail and immediately asked him, "Uh how do we get in?" Scar quickly noticed Jimmy's question and proceeded to push against the wall in front of them, allowing them access into their brand new home. As everyone stepped inside the garden, they all stopped in their tracks as they noticed that it was the exact same location where Jimmy had fainted earlier. They were confused about how it was here, and how it was even possible. Pearl was the first to speak, and she asked, "Guys? How is this here?" Scott's confused words perfectly captured the sentiment amongst all of them. They were all surprised by this odd occurrence and could not explain it. "What do you mean, Pearl?" Scar asked, looking at the group. The entire conversation got very confusing very quickly. Joel quickly tried to dismiss the situation by saying "Oh it's nothing." Scar then pointed out the houses for Scott and Jimmy, and their location and details did not do the houses justice. The one built at a higher elevation was Scott's and the one on the ground was Jimmy's. Scar was eager to show off how big the spaces were but also curious to see the reaction and response to the homes. "We lived here?" Jimmy was startled by this news. He had no recollection of these events, and it was shocking to hear that he had lived there before. Scar, however, was unfazed by this revelation and seemed very pleased and happy to have had the opportunity to share this information with his friends. "Yeah, of course!" he exclaimed. "You also got married here and we did so much other stuff." The idea of the wedding and being married between Scott and Jimmy made both of them blush. They looked at each other and had a silent understanding and agreement to stay here since they were more settled in this place. "Anyways let's go to Joel's base," Scar asked, giving them the option to stay here or to explore with Joel. Scott quickly and confidently responded by saying he would stay with Jimmy. Scar walked off with a wave and a smile as everyone else also headed toward Joel's base. "Okay then bye guys, visit me any time!" Scar shouted and waved goodbye to Scott and Jimmy before walking away. 

The two of them now found themselves alone and in the peace and quiet of the new location. They felt as though they were settling in and were now free to explore the area without the interference of the others. Jimmy was keen to explore his old home and see if it was the same as the one in Gem castle. Scott also wanted to go there and joined him and held his hand as they walked over to the house. 

When they walked inside it was different from before, looking tidier and much more organised with a proper bed and tidy plants. As they stepped inside, Scott felt his heart slow down. He was preparing for something bad to happen because the changes were so drastic compared to what he had seen before. But everything was fine, as Jimmy's house was now clean and organised and Scott's worries came to nothing. Scott then let go of Jimmy's hand and took a seat on his bed with a sense of relief. Jimmy smiled at Scott and walked up to him, placing both hands on his face which made him look up at him. Jimmy was being incredibly kind, gentle, and caring and Scott could feel it. Jimmy asked with his voice and his eyes full of sincerity, " You okay, Petal?" And Scott looked back at him and also filled with similar feelings of kindness and sincerity, replied with, "Yeah. I'm just worried about you that's all." Scott felt a deep sense of trust and affection towards Jimmy. Jimmy sat down next to Scott and took his hand into his own, holding it tightly. He looked at Scott with care and showed his concerns, saying, "I'm also worried about you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Scott looked at Jimmy and gave him a big smile, his admiration and affection toward Jimmy very apparent in the way he talked and the way his eyes shined. "I love you, cod boy," he teased and Jimmy replied with one word that had so much meaning and weight attached to it. "I love you too icey," he said and Scott gave Jimmy a small kiss on his nose as a symbol of his appreciation and devotion. Jimmy hugged Scott and pulled him tighter into his embrace with a sense of affection. "You're an idiot," he laughed, as he said it with an endearing tone and a smile. Scott giggled and replied, "Well I'm your idiot then," as he settled into Jimmy's lap, feeling completely content and comfortable with his own form of idiocy. As Jimmy wrapped his arms around Scott at his waist and held him close, Scott couldn't help but blush as he felt the heat of Jimmy's body and the intimacy of the moment. Scott looked at Jimmy who was gazing at him with admiration and affection. Jimmy's eyes were filled with gratitude and fondness, and they made Scott feel very special and appreciated. "What's with that look?" Scott asked curiously and then Jimmy answered honestly, and Scott enjoyed every word of it. "You're just so amazing." he said, making Scott feel completely overwhelmed with praise and adoration. Scott's cheeks turned red with embarrassment and he quickly looked away. He was completely flustered by the compliments and the attention that Jimmy was giving him, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to be in this situation. "Shut up," Scott giggled as a defence mechanism to avoid revealing just how much he was enjoying this interaction right now. "You're just too perfect. I can't describe how amazing you are with words," Jimmy said, and Scott smiled shyly while also continuing to blush with deep embarrassment and joy. Scott and Jimmy continued to stare at each other, both of them with admiration and fondness in their eyes. They felt their connection and closeness, which also made them feel at peace with the world and themselves. Scott's hands found their way to Jimmy's face and he gently pulled him toward him in preparation for that tender kiss, his desire to feel and express his affection and passion toward Jimmy finally taking hold. Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he felt Scott's lips press against his. He pulled him closer to him in response, wanting all of him to be a part of this intimate moment, making the kiss more intense and passionate. They lost themselves in each other, the kiss consuming them both and expressing their growing affection and devotion. When they both parted ways from that heartfelt and intense kiss, Scott laid his head down on Jimmy's shoulder. He was comfortable and content with the way his lover held him in his arms and the way Jimmy was so gentle and affectionate toward him. Jimmy felt the warmth of Scott's body and knew just how much he was loved and wanted, and he was delighted at this realisation. 

Jimmy and Scott stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the closeness and comfort of their physical connection. Then Scott got up from Jimmy's lap and laid down on Jimmy's bed, giving the man a sweet glimpse of his body. Jimmy missed the feeling of Scott's body pressing against him and laid down in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around Scott's waist, feeling their bodies so close while also being able to sense Scott's nearness and closeness. Scott couldn't stop blushing as he felt the closeness of Jimmy lying down on top of him and wrapping his arms around him in his embrace. He played with Jimmy's hair, not saying a single word but allowing his feelings to be visible through the kindness and tenderness of his touch. Jimmy suddenly spoke and asked, "Petal?" Scott's face lit up as soon as he heard his nickname being used and he answered with, "Yes, Jim?" Jimmy followed up with his question, which was something that had often been on his mind. "What do you think happened to us in this universe?" Scott was not sure how to answer that except for offering a hopeful assumption, and he responded with "I don't know flower but I hope they're okay." Jimmy spoke again, this time worrying about what happened to Scott in the other universe, especially after being told that he was supposedly a watcher. "Xornoth said that you were a Watcher too... I don't want anything bad happen to you," he said. Scott was quick to refute the claim with confidence and said, "Flower don't worry I'm sure I'm not a watcher and if I were it would probably be the Scott universe that is the watcher. Jim responded to Scott's declaration of innocence and assurance with an answer that was quick and straightforward. "Alright then, Petal." And as Jimmy stayed silent and still, he focused on the hug he had now given to Scott by his waist. The way he was holding Scott and the way Scott's body felt in his arms was a welcome and welcomed distraction from the silence. He stayed like that and just soaked in the feeling of having Scott in his arms.

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