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Jimmy woke up in a strange town, feeling disoriented and unsure of where he was. The town was located in a swamp, and the houses were made of spruce trees and stone. The large town was surrounded by a giant wall also made of spruce trees and stone. As Jimmy stood up from the ground, he looked around, shocked to see people with cod tails and fish scales on their skin. They all wore the same kind of forest green clothing, which blended in with the water colour. Jimmy was confused and overwhelmed, wondering where he was and what was going on. Jimmy realised that the people around him were like him as well, having scales and a cod tail. He wondered if he'd forgotten that about himself. But then one person ran up to him excitedly. "Oh Cod father, are you really having an alliance with Count Fwhip?" The girl asked. "Who? What are you talking about?" Jimmy asked, confused, feeling overwhelmed by the strange world around him. "Who's the Cod father, where am I, and what's going on?" "Cod father, are you okay?" The girl asked with concern, seeing him frozen in thought. Jimmy was suddenly knocked out of his confusion when he remembered where he was. "Oh, sorry, kid, I was just thinking about something." "And uh yeah, I am going to Fwhip's empire and we'll have a meeting," Jimmy said, trying to make it seem like he knew what he was talking about. But he knew he was just making it up and he was worried that he'd be caught. The girl smiled and walked away, leaving Jimmy confused. After sitting around for a while, he decided to walk around and see what his "empire" looked like. As he explored, he noticed that his past selves had created a prosperous and happy kingdom. The people were kind and helpful toward one another, working to maintain a harmonious existence. Jimmy felt proud that his past selves had created such a lovely place, even if he was struggling to remember the details of it all. Suddenly, someone emerged from the water, shocking Jimmy a bit before he recognised her as his sister, Lizzie. "Hey, Jimmy!" she said with a smile. Jimmy felt a bit scared but then remembered he was in his past self's body, so he had to pretend to be him and act like this was his own sister. "Oh hey, Lizzie, you scared me..." he said, trying to make it seem like things were normal. But he knew this wasn't his sister, so he was still feeling confused and a bit overwhelmed. Jimmy was still feeling confused and overwhelmed, but he knew he had to play along and pretend like everything was normal. "What are you doing here, Lizzie?" he asked her, trying to sound normal and casual even though he was still feeling off. Lizzie responded with a smile, "Oh, just taking a break from ruling my kingdom." "What about you?" she asked in return. "Just... thinking," Jimmy responded awkwardly, not really knowing what to say or how to behave. Jimmy was still feeling confused and overwhelmed, but he knew he had to play along and pretend like everything was normal.  "Thinking about what?" Lizzie asked, looking at Jimmy with a raised eyebrow. "Are you thinking about Scott?" she teased. Jimmy's face flushed with embarrassment and he stuttered a bit before replying. "Wh-what! No!" he said, feeling flustered and not sure how to answer her question. "Anyways Lizzie, how did you get so tall?" he asked her, hoping to change the topic of conversation. Lizzie laughed. "Jim, you don't remember?" she asked him, sounding amused. "Well, Scott and me, kinda scammed each other. I gave him diamond boots giving him ice powers while he gave me that heart of the sea making me this!" Lizzie told him, smiling proudly. "Wait so that's why you have fish scales?" Jimmy asked her, feeling intrigued. It all made sense to him now. "What else did Scott give you?" he wondered, interested to know more about the strange magical items his past self had found. "Jim, oh my god your memory sucks!" Lizzie laughed, sounding like she was having a great time teasing him. "The heart of the sea transformed me into what I looked like 1000 years ago when you and me were born but I went to land and left you and became human leaving all my memoirse of the sea behind!" "Wait, so that's why you have fish scales?" Jimmy asked. "What else did Scott give you?" he wondered, intrigued to know more about the strange magical items his past self had obtained and left behind. "Jimmy, we're part-fish, we're ocean gods!" Lizzie exclaimed. "Of course we have fish scales!" Jimmy was astounded by this revelation. "Scott gave you nothing else?" he asked, "Why not?" Lizzie gave him a teasing look. "Jimmy, I didn't like Scott after that, but when you told me you had a crush on him, I forgave him, so you don't hate me!" she replied with a smile. "Anyways I'm supposed to meet Joel now, sorry Jim, bye!" Lizzie waved and swam away, leaving Jimmy alone. Jimmy felt alone now, his head still spinning a bit and his past memories still coming back as he tried to piece together the events of his past life. As he sat there alone, he wondered when he'd see Lizzie again, or even if he'd ever remember everything that had happened to him during the last 1000 years. Jimmy sat there, alone, thinking about everything that Lizzie said to him. She told him about Scott and his past self's relationship, and he wondered if he could see Scott again. He also wondered how Lizzie lost her memories when she became human, adding to the questions already lingering in his mind as the sun set, casting a warm glow over the water. As he sat there, he took a deep breath, trying to process everything and piece together his past. As the sun disappeared under the water, the wind blew through Jimmy's wet and soft dirty blonde hair, blowing it back. He stared at the calm water and dipped his feet in, but just as he did so, he heard something behind him. "Jimmy..." A devilish voice called out to him. Jimmy quickly stood up and turned around to see the same dark shadowy figure with purple eyes. Jimmy felt a chill go down his spine as he looked at the mysterious figure and wondered what they wanted with him. "You poor soul... I know you're not the real Jimmy... Let me just..." Blood red vines emerged from the ground, growing over Jimmy's body. "Let me go!" Jimmy screamed, but he was too late. "Aw, poor Jimmy is afraid, let me take you out of your misery..." The demon laughed, and the vines dragged him into the cold ocean, pulling him deep under the water. Jimmy tried to swim but was too weak to fight back, and soon he lost consciousness, unable to fight against the demon's control.

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