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As the duo stopped in their tracks and turned to face the others, their conversation came to a halt as they turned their attention to the newcomers. Scott, the elf, seemed nervous and hesitant, while Shrub, the girl, asked, "Scott, who are these people?" "I don't know, but they're not safe here," Scott said urgently. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Scott yelled at the others, obviously suspicious and on alert. They didn't have time to respond, as another event took centre stage. Before Scott and Shrub could react, the five intruders took off running. "Hey, stop right there!" Scott yelled, determined to bring them to a halt. Before they could move any farther, he cast ice on the floor, making them stuck in place. "What-what is this?" Joel said, confused and startled. The group hadn't been expecting this confrontation, and the sudden ice making them come to a halt caught them off guard. It seemed that the elves were more powerful and clever than they had originally thought. As the five tried to escape the grasp of the ice spell, Scott and Shrub walked towards them. "Hey Shrub, can you hand me a candle so I could see their faces?" Scott asked. Swiftly, Shrub handed him a candle and walked towards the group, casting a dim light on their clothes but keeping their faces in shadow. None of the five could see the duo's faces at all, which made them even more suspicious of their intentions and motivations. "Who are you?" Jimmy yelled, trying to sound tough and in control. "I'm Scott, King of Riverdale. This is Queen Shrub of the Undergrove. Who are you?" Scott asked, his tone stern and his face expressionless as he looked at them. He was not amused by Jimmy's attempt to act tough, and his mind was already on the task of sizing up these intruders into his domain and getting answers about their intentions. Scott stepped forward and used the dim light from the candle to illuminate Jimmy's face. Scott and Shrub's expressions changed to one of surprise and sadness as they looked at Jimmy. "Jimmy?" Scott asked, reaching out to gently touch his face, almost as if he was trying to make sure Jimmy was real. "How do you know me?" Jimmy responded, his voice filled with fear and confusion. He had been expecting strangers, not people he knew from his past. What was going on? "You're alive?" Scott said, smiling and surprised as he looked at Jimmy. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you," Jimmy responded, his voice filled with confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation. Scott's face instantly changed into a sad one, as if he was sad to realise that Jimmy didn't remember him. "Scott, remember they died years ago," Shrub said, trying to comfort him. "Jim can't still be alive. I'm sorry, he just looked so much like him." Scott seemed at a loss for words as he tried to process the truth of her words. He was still in denial about his friend's death and the idea of Jimmy still being alive was too much for him to handle. Perhaps Shrub was right and it was all just a coincidence; perhaps he was imagining things and it wasn't really Jimmy.  

"What's going on here?" a voice asked from behind Scott and Shrub, causing them to turn around in surprise. "Hey Gem, we just found some people," Shrub said. Gem, a human wizard with ginger hair and green eyes, stepped forward. She was wearing a green dress with white accents, and her hair appeared to be braided and draped over her right shoulder. She also had a purple and white hooded cloak draped over her shoulders and purple shoes with white socks.
"What is going on here?" Gem repeated, her voice full of confusion. "We're trying to figure it out," Scott replied, turning back toward the group of intruders. "We don't know who they are or why they're here." "Hello there," Gem said, directing her attention to the group. "How are you doing?" "Hello," one of the intruders responded, giving a quick greeting. "And who are you?" Gem asked, curiosity and confusion in her voice. "I'm Joel." The intruder replied quickly, trying to be polite and introduce himself in this strange situation. "Give me one second," Gem said, clapping her hands. The room instantly grew brighter. "Joel? Lizzie? Kathrine? Jimmy? How are you still alive?!" Gem asked, surprised and overwhelmed. "They're not them Gem..." Scott said, his voice filled with sadness as he turned away and wiped away the tears on his face. He was still in denial about their deaths and was finding it difficult to accept that they might actually be alive again and standing in front of him. "Oh... I am so sorry, you just looked like people we've met before," Gem apologised. "Here let me get you out of that ice!" With her magical crystal staff, she quickly made all the ice disappear. The five looked at each other in shock, unsure of what to say. "How did you do that?" Grian asked, excited to see another person with magic and wanting to learn more about Gem's abilities and how she was able to perform such a feat.  "I'm a wizard! Scott's an elf, and Shrub's a gnome mushroom," Gem explained, wanting to be nice and welcoming. "Wait, are you the people in that book?" Grian asked excitedly, looking up at her in awe as he put two and two together and realised that they were the group the book was talking about. "Yes! We're the ones from the book," Scott confirmed. "Now that you've met us, you can leave now!" Scott said, annoyance in his tone and his face filled with disdain. "Scott!" Gem yelled, trying to stop him from being so rude. She then giggled and said, "I am so sorry about him, he can be a bit cold." Scott rolled his eyes at her and laughed. "Yeah, yeah, very funny. I'm gonna go get the others, bye." He turned and walked away, still not taking the group seriously or wanting to believe that they were the ones from the book. "Follow me and Shrub!" Gem said, trying to find Shrub. She saw Shrub staring at Kathrine longingly, and knew that something was wrong. "Shrub!" Gem yelled, trying to get her attention and get her to focus on the here and now instead of daydreaming about Kathrine. "Shrub! That's not our Kathrine!" she yelled again. "I know, I know!" Shrub said, shaking herself back to reality and realising that it was true, the Kathrine in front of her was not the one she knew from their past. 

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