The dare

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That afternoon, Jimmy and Grian rushed down the halls, hurrying to get outside before Joel. They were surprised to find that Lizzie had beaten them, even though her class was on the other side of the school. "How did you even beat us there?" Grian asked Lizzie, feeling both impressed and a little baffled. "I took a shortcut," Lizzie replied with a grin, enjoying having surprised her friends. "Come on! We'll beat Joel outside if we keep running," she said as she headed toward the door. The group of friends followed Lizzie outside, determined to beat Joel to the exit. They ran down the steps and onto the blacktop, ready to win the race. As soon as they got outside, they looked around for Joel but couldn't see him anywhere.They stood there for a moment, confused. Where was Joel? Had he gone somewhere else outside? Suddenly, they heard laughter coming from behind them. They turned to see Joel running toward them, a mischievous grin on his face. He had won the race! "Ha, I won you, you losers!" Joel said with a smug smile on his face as he stood in front of his friends. "Sucka!" "Did you mean 'I won, Joel'?" Kathrine asked, sitting on one of the benches. She seemed unfazed by Joel's arrogance. "What? How? Never mind..." Joel said, admitting defeat. He knew that Kathrine was not one to be underestimated, and he had to admit that she had gotten the best of him this time. Lizzie went to give Kathrine a hug for winning, but Grian asked if they could go to the mall before giving Kathrine a chance to respond. "Can we go to the mall?" Grian said, sounding slightly desperate. "The longer I stay at this school," he continued, "the more it sucked the life out of me!" The others laughed, understanding his sentiment. They all agreed that school could be exhausting and they were eager for a break. 

As they were walking to the mall, Kathrine told them about a dream she had that morning.
"I had this weird dream this morning," she began, "so I was in this floating castle with lots of flowers..." She continued, telling them about how she had been brought to the kingdom of the gnome in the dream. The others listened, curious to hear about her dream and what she had experienced. As she finished, they were left wondering what the dream could mean. Kathrine continued, telling them about how the gnome had been sweet and nice. "She gave me flowers and asked if I wanted to hang out again soon!" she concluded, feeling happy to have had a positive experience. Grian nodded. "Weird..." he said, thinking about the dream and what it could mean. Maybe it was just a strange dream, or maybe there was something else going on. Either way, he was glad that Kathrine had had a positive experience with the gnome. Jimmy had been listening intently to Kathrine's story about her dream. When she finished, he thought to himself that Kathrine also had a weird dream about a person. "Kath, I also had a weird dream this morning!" Jimmy suddenly interjects, interrupting Grian and Kathrine's conversation. Both Grian and Kathrine stopped and looked at him, curious to know more. "What was your dream about?" Kathrine asked, wanting to hear about it. "I was in this flower forest that was surrounded by a wooden wall and mountains," Jimmy began, "and I was with this person with teal hair and he had a flower crown on!" Kathrine looked at Jimmy in confusion. "A person with a flower crown? Who was that?" she asked. Jimmy shrugged. "I don't know, it was a dream!" he said lightheartedly. He wasn't sure who the mysterious figure in his dream was, but he was glad he'd had the chance to tell his friends about it. Grian sighed and said, "Aw, why didn't I get a weird dream this morning?" "You're not the only one, Grian," Jimmy replied, not catching on to the joke. "Liz and Joel didn't get one either." Grian rolled his eyes. "Ugh, everyone gets the cool dreams but me!" he said jokingly, trying to cover up his disappointment. "Hey, don't worry," Jimmy said, trying to cheer Grian up. "Maybe tomorrow you'll get a really weird dream."

As the group continued walking, they eventually reached the mall. As soon as they entered, Liz ran ahead and grabbed Joel's hand, pulling him along with her as she ran to the plushies.
Grian, Jimmy, and Kathrine checked out the video games, eager to play and enjoy some fun after school. They began to discuss which game they should play first, debating between their favorite games and the newest and most exciting options. The others might have to catch up, but they were ready for a good time. After a few hours at the mall, the group of friends reunited at the same spot they had started from. They still had an hour to go until the mall closed, and Grian suggested they play "Truth or Dare" to pass the time. "Okay, truth or dare?" he asked, as the others nodded in agreement. "I'll start!" Jimmy said enthusiastically. "I dare you to..." he began, and the others waited in anticipation to see what his dare was. "Drink this whole smoothie in one go!" he continued, as he held up a large smoothie with a smug smile. He knew that it would be a tough challenge, but he also knew that the rewards were worth the risk. The smoothie was filled with all sorts of yummy ingredients and looked quite inviting, but the gang knew that it would be a challenge to finish it in one go. "No way!" Grian said, laughing. "Yeah right!" Lizzie said, sounding slightly nervous at the thought of drinking the whole thing. "Let's see how far you can go," Joel teased, looking at Lizzie. As they all gathered around to watch, Grian took a deep breath and began to drink the smoothie, determined to at least see how much he could finish. He quickly finished off about half of it, but started to struggle as he approached the halfway point. Seeing that Grian was struggling, the others started cheering to encourage him. "You can do it, Grian! Just a little more!" Joel said, trying to motivate Grian to finish the smoothie. As he continued drinking, Lizzie and Kathrine watched with amusement, wondering if Grian would pull it off or not. After what felt like hours, Grian finally managed to chug the smoothie down and finish it. "I did it, I'm finished! Take that, Jimmy!" he said proudly, as he held up the empty cup for them to see. He was satisfied that he had come out victorious from the dare. The others laughed and looked at Jimmy, who had a thoughtful look on his face. "Nice job, Grian!" he said with a nod, accepting defeat. "Want to go for round two?" he asked with a mischievous grin. It was Grian's turn in the game of "Truth or Dare". "Hmm, who should I choose... Jimmy!" Grian said with a smile. Jimmy grinned confidently as he responded, "Dare, of course! I'm not a baby!" "I dare you to steal that cod plushie!" Grian challenged. Jimmy's grin quickly faded as he realized that Grian meant it. "Are you serious? I can't steal a plushie, why couldn't it have been me!" he said, clearly frustrated but also accepting the challenge. "Come on, Jim! A dare is a dare!" Grian said, trying to persuade him. After a bit of resistance and convincing, Jimmy finally agreed to take the dare. With a smug grin, he began to sneak around the store, trying to find the perfect opportunity to steal the plushie. The other friends watched in anticipation, eager to see if he would be successful or not. After several minutes, he finally managed to find a moment when no one was around, and quickly grabbed the plushie and ran away.

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