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"Where's Neuza?"

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"Where's Neuza?"

"She's been at the maternity ward since early morning sir," the man reported.

"Has anyone delivered a meal to her?"

"The men there have asked her multiple times if she wanted to eat but she's said she's okay. She's just been looking at the baby through the window."

"Mr Kim wrap up my affairs for today," I asked shutting down my laptop. Usually I wouldn't finish work till late night but being with my family takes priority.

This past few weeks have been hard.

Baby Aaliyah was born at twenty five weeks and it was a blessing that the birth was relatively calm. But she was extremely premature so... she needs way more care right now.

The doctors are monitoring her but, she is struggling with breathing because... her lungs aren't all the way developed. The doctors said this is expected for babies born early but Neuza is taking it hard.

And to be honest, so am I. It's killing me that I can't hold my princess or that she's hooked up to machines and in an incubator... she's so small but the doctors say she's really fighting.

"Have you eaten?"

"The nurse usually comes at this time and she tells-"

"Angel, you have to eat," I insisted wrapping my arm around your waist. "You have to be strong and healthy when you hold Aaliyah."

"But- but if I'm not here she'll be lonely," she teared up wiping a few tears. "If she needs me, I need to be here."

"You will be," I assured. "We'll just go to the canteen downstairs and be right back."

It took some convincing but, Neuza eventually agreed to come eat. She was here everyday and if I didn't come I knew she couldn't be convinced to eat.

On the days I didn't have work, I came to check on Aaliyah too from dusk to dawn. I couldn't say I was any better than her because I asked for hourly updates on Aaliyah.

I was just a very worried dad.

"The nurse said Aaliyah is gaining weight," Neuza shared with a small smile. "They said it's looking like she won't have to stay in hospital longer than her due date."

"Did they say anything about her lungs," I asked worriedly slightly leaning forward wiping a rice grain from the corner of her lips.

"Her doctor said her lungs seem to be developing healthily and they also said she's getting more movement in her legs- I was so glad to hear it."

"I'm so relieved," I breathed out. "Maybe we need to focus on getting her room ready because thirty seven weeks comes in a blink of an eye."

"I haven't even thought about a colour," Neuza admitted with a small smile, "maybe we should consider moving closer to the city. The penthouse is closer to the hospital... I think we live too far away right now."

"You want to stay in Korea?"

"Aaliyah is too small to consider moving her around right now."

"Have you been talking to Amara and Jaylen and your family?"

"Yes, everyone," she smiled finishing her meal. "I show them her incubator pictures all the time. Amara is getting ready to give birth too and it's a boy."

Neuza and I continued talking as we made our way to NICU. We held hands and rested in the comfort that we were supporting each other through this moment.

"Mr and Mrs Lee," the nurse who often took care of Aaliyah greeted. We both greeted her in return sharing a look. I was praying everything was ok. "The doctors have said it's okay for the baby to have minimal contact."

"My hand is shaking," Neuza mumbled giving me a look. "I gave birth to her but just holding her hand makes me so nervous."

I reassured Neuza that it would be okay but I myself was also beyond nervous. Holding her tiny hand felt like the biggest even in my life.

We followed the nurse into Aaliyah's private NICU room. We couldn't be in there before so we had to watch her through a window.  Now, that she was cleared for minimal contact, we could be in there and watch her in the incubator.

Neuza and I put on our gloves before we took turns rubbing Aaliyah's hand. I had a few tears but was overjoyed that I could finally have some contact with my princess.

"When did you wrap me around your finger," I asked out loud just staring at her peaceful face. "Am
I allowed to be this happy?"

"She looks like such an angel," Neuza cooed looking down at her with a smile. "She's so cute."

"So tiny."

"Baby you sure you don't need help?"

Neuza came and put a cup of ice tea next to me as I read the instructions on the manual.

Who the fuck made building a crib this hard?

We decided to move back into the penthouse and with baby Aaliyah scheduled to come home in about six weeks, the house had baby stuff everywhere.

Opened and half opened packages and just baby gifts loitered everywhere. Of course everyone would want to offer the best gifts to the chairman of a company becoming a global force.

Aaliyah had a lot of powerful people wanting to become godparents... little did they know she already had those. And they went by the name of Jaylen and Amara.

The President had sent a flower arrangement for Neuza and a tiger plushie. Neuza almost lost her mind when she found out they were from the President of the country.

"I got it," I huffed as she smiled kneeling next to me.

"It doesn't look like it. Maybe we should call Mr Ki-"

"I got it," I assured grabbing a plank of wood labelled B. "Men used to build houses from scratch."

"I saw this baby car seat."

"I like that it's black."

"Joonie," Neuza sang. I already knew this was going to cost me. "I think we should get a Range Rover... it's a big family car and... Aaliyah can't be cramped in the back."

"We'll visit the dealership tomorrow."

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