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"Sir, the restaurant has let me know that the President and Prime minister have entered the room," Mr Kim alerted me as I reviewed the key points I would discuss in today's little get together

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"Sir, the restaurant has let me know that the President and Prime minister have entered the room," Mr Kim alerted me as I reviewed the key points I would discuss in today's little get together.

"Perfect, how far away are we?"

"We will be arriving in five minutes sir," Mr Kim confirmed as he drove.

We arrived at the restaurant and were soon guided to the private room.

Mr Kim opened the door as I entered the room. I immediately bowed my head showing respect to the two men. As I straightened myself, I locked eyes with a smirking Namjoon.

I masked the surprise with a smile and went to sit next to Namjoon.

"Mr Lee, I wasn't aware that your brother would also attend this meeting," President Yoon remarked.


Namjoon's unexpected presence makes this very fucking shady. I cannot lose the connection to the President and Prime Minister of the country... I just cannot.

Why would his dumb ass even come?

"Our father thought both of his sons should come," Namjoon quickly jumped in as I served President Yoon and Prime minister Han drinks.

If anything fails... get them drunk as fuck.

"I told father Namjoon-ssi's presence wouldn't be needed but you know father, he always wants to keep me on my toes."

"It is hard to find a business man like Mr Lee," Mr Han agreed as he took his shot. "That is a man who plans for all scenarios."

Father would never send Namjoon to a meeting like this. In his later years as the chairman, he stopped inviting Namjoon to senior meeting within the company so a meeting with the two most important people in the country.... Yeah father wouldn't want Namjoon here at all.

I took charge of the meeting discussing with the two men the permits needed for the construction of the leisure centre. I spoke on the benefits on an economical level as well as tourist level.

Namjoon remained quiet because he could not say anything that would help the conversation.

President Yoon and prime minister Han seemed pleased with what they were hearing.

Of course we discussed what what the Lee Group was willing to do for them for them to ensure that the permits were approved and that we had... let's say a bit of free range in what we did.

"It's always good to have a conversation with you Hajoon-ssi," Mr Han laughed standing up with President Yoon. "When it comes to business, it's like talking to your father."

"There won't be any restrictions when it comes to the permits," President Yoon added. "Call me anytime you need anything. But next time... let it just be people who need to attend."

He looked at Namjoon before leaving with Mr Han. I stood up quickly bowing as the exited.

"Aren't you gla-"

"Next time you decide to attend something that you have no business attending, I will remove you from your executive position," I stated to a shocked Namjoon. "Do not test how far you can push me Namjoon."

"You little brat," he seethed stepping up to me, "don't act like you weren't just a bastard with your gold digging mo-"

"If you finish that sentence, I'll break your neck," I threatened grabbing Namjoon by his collar. "Don't ever open your dirty mouth to speak on my mother."

"You can't keep leaving me out of business. The company-"

"I am the chairman," I rebuked poking his chest. "I tell you where you will be and won't be. I don't give a fuck if we're blood. Next time you do something stupid like this, you're fired."

I opened the door to the private room leaving a seething Namjoon behind. Mr Kim quickly matched my pace as he opened the car door.

Namjoon is becoming... a problem.

"What happened," Neuza asked as I came in straight to drink water. "Did something go wrong?"

"No baby," I reassured as she stood beside me with a worried look. "My brother is just being immature but, I have it under control. Everything went perfect."

"I'm not super business savvy but... you can talk to me if something is bothering you."

"Don't worry angel," I murmured bringing the girl into a hug as she hugged me back. I rocked back and forth with her as I kissed the top of her head. "You being in my arms makes me feel better already. The less you know about this shit, the better."

I'm literally talking to politicians about making allowances for me. I'm definitely keeping Neuza out of this.

The business world is very dirty and anything could happen. Just in case I ever get into murky waters, I want her to be able to be oblivious.

She just needs to sit pretty and decorate houses.

"Okay... I've missed you," she pouted. "I was kind of bored and you know I eat snacks out of boredom."

"I'm here now so, tell me anything you want to do."


How could I tell her no when she's looking at me like that?

She's so fucking pretty.

"When have I told you no?"

"Then... I wanna fuck."

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