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"You smell of soap

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"You smell of soap."

Hajoon froze momentarily before returning to his task of spooning me. He gently caressed my stomach kissing the top of my head repeatedly.

"At least I'm a clean person."

I rested my hand on top of his feeling content to be in his arms again. Mr Kim stayed with me the whole time and had security stationed outside the room.

This hospital felt more like a luxury suit. I had a private team of staff attending to me the whole day and I was milking it a bit... I deserve it. I've been through a lot.

I spent the whole day in the massage chair as I was fed by the hour. And surprisingly baby was enjoying their food today.

Mr Kim had let everyone know back home I was okay but with doctors extensively testing me the whole day, I hadn't been able to contact anyone.

"They said the baby is small so, we have to be extra careful."

"I should've noticed... I just-"

"If you start feeling bad, the baby will hide more, so let's be happy. The baby might be small but no one said they're not a strong baby."

A comfortable silence fell over us as I cuddled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around resting his head on my head.

"How do you even afford a hospital like this?"

"I don't. My godfather is Kasem Anurak and they have have their whole foot in the medical industry. I just asked my cousin and he said I could."

"What did you tell him," I asked amused. "I didn't even know you had cousins."

"I have a big family but Somsom is not exactly my cousin - he's my godfather's son. I just asked him if the staff could give my pregnant girlfriend preferential treatment and he said yes."

I laughed making him laugh along with me even if I knew he was completely serious. He is just connected to the most amazing people, sometimes it's very overwhelming.

Somsom is super cute as a nickname... I hope to meet him one day.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I turned around looking up at him. Whenever we had moments like these, it always felt like my first time meeting him. I still had butterflies just from looking into his eyes.

"I was scared," I admitted grabbing the hem of his sweater. "Your brother is... scary."

"He's not going to be around anymore," he reassured letting me put my head on his arm. "You won't ever see him again."

"Hajoon... he- he hit me."

I don't know why everything was coming out but I just couldn't keep it all in. If I didn't share with Hajoon I felt like I would suffocate.

Hajoon remained quiet as he stroked my cheek.

"That day you came, I thought... he was going to force himself on me."

Hajoon stiffened closing his eyes. He bit his lip really hard causing me to pinch his cheek.


"It'll never happen again."

His voice was calm but I could tell Hajoon was really angry. Because he always gets abnormally calm whenever he's beyond angry.

Like a quiet storm.

"What were you doing until now," I asked kissing his neck. I want him to talk to me about anything... about how he's feeling. Because Hajoon is really bad at expressing his feelings.

Hajoon remained quiet cuddling me closer as his hand slipped underneath my shirt. It felt warm everywhere his hand laid making me feel sleepy. And he smelt of soap and honey...

"I killed for you tonight."

I couldn't work out if that was his smooth voice or if my brain was making up shit because I was so tired...

I opened my eyes feeling well rested. And the room smelt of honey and milk.

Absolutely obsessed.

There was a suite attached to the room so I went in there doing my morning routine. I noticed the shopping bag on the counter with some comfy loungewear and smiled because... it could only be my man.

"Where did you go?"

Hajoon shook a bubble tea cup making me smile as I practically snatched the cup from him. Honey green tea was my top five flavours and looks like baby likes it too.

"I went to get you some stuff before you woke up and talk with the doctors."

I sipped happily not really paying attention.

"Neuza... I think- what if we just chilled here for a bit?"

"At the hospital?"

"No angel," he chuckled. "Just in Korea... you and the baby I just want to make sure- what do you think?"

"Why? Where will we even stay?"

"Where do you want to stay - I mean we have options, whatever type of house you want, I'm sure I have it. If I don't I can get it-"

"Did you just flex on me?"

Not him calling me broke even in this situation.

"No," he denied with a smile. "I'm just saying - I just think travelling long distance and the baby needs monitoring- I would feel better if you were getting monitored at an Anurak group hospital."

And my job? Fuck it. Nicki said get fired let's go!

"You know, I don't have a job right when I get back?"

"File for child support I guess."

"That's for baby mothers," I complained pinching his cheek. "You have to make me a wife because, I'm giving birth to your child."

"Mrs Lee, huh? I like that for you," he smiled holding my waist. He dipped down to peck my lips but I grabbed the nape of his neck deepening the kiss.

"I missed you," I murmured against his lips reaching again to bring my lips to his. It was so addicting.

"I missed you way more." His hands made their way to my ass squeezing tightly.

"Hajoon," I moaned. My hands started to make their way to his waist band but he pushed me away gently.

"Don't start anything," he smiled pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm barely holding back angel."

"Who told you to do that," I pouted crossing my arms.

"The doctors don't want you exercising and you know I like a workout ."

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