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I took a deep breath before sitting in front of father

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I took a deep breath before sitting in front of father.

At first I couldn't tell who that was sitting next to him in the reception waiting area but, it became obvious that it could only be Namjoon.

Namjoon smirked at me whilst father looked at me with a displeased look.

"Namjoon told me he's being excluded from important matters in the company. What are you-"

"Father, you are no longer the chairman. I don't have to discuss how I choose to run the Lee Group. If Namjoon doesn't like it, he is free to give up his shares, position and title and leave."

"See father, I told you. Look at how he's treating me."

Was Namjoon always this pathetic?

A loser.

"Did he tell you he crashed the meeting with the President and prime minister?"

"What," father asked in shock looking at Namjoon who got a nervous look. "Have you lost your mind?"

"I got tired of Hajoon treating me like I shouldn't have access to company information - I'm your son too! This is our company!"

"Shut your mouth Namjoon," father seethed clenching and unclenching his hands. "Are you always going to embarrass me?! What did you tell them?"

"Well father, Namjoon had the brilliant idea to say you sent him."

If looks could kill, Namjoon would have been six feet under. I would have drop kicked him an additional five. Father looked beyond pissed, I thought he was going to pop a vein.

"I'll deal with you after," father stated giving Namjoon one last look before directing his attention towards me. "And you, are you dealing with that girl again?"

He found out already?

I wasn't trying to hide that I was back with Neuza but, I also wanted to keep her as far away from my family as I could. Last time my family behaved in an absolutely disgusting way towards her and was not sympathetic of us losing our child... I don't even want to be around them most times.

But my father being who he used is, I expected him to dig and find out. Just not this soon.

"I don't have to tell you anything about my private life," I sighed sitting back. "If this is a-"

"How dare you get back with her? After everything I did to put you in this position."

"I didn't ask you to do shit for me," I laughed. "You made me chairman because you knew Namjoon and Suryeon would plummet the company to the ground."


"Hajoon," father cut off Namjoon, "I don't want you with this girl. I want you to marry one of the girls I had chosen for you."

"This conversation is over," I dismissed standing up. "If we're not talking about the Lee Group do not contact me. Don't come to my house unannounced either, my girlfriend is upstairs I don't want her running into any of you."

Well... I hope she sees herself as my girlfriend at least. We haven't had the conversation about being official yet however, we didn't even break up officially to start with.

A forced break doesn't count.

"You think I'm going to allow you to continue being with her?"

"Next time any of you hurt her, I won't forgive you guys."

"Hey darling," Neuza greeted hugging me as soon as I walked in. "No one bullied you, right?"

I stared at her for a second kissing her lips softly. I sighed resting my forehead on hers for a second. She moved my head to her shoulder as she stroked my hair.

"I'm okay angel," I finally responded after calming my beating heart.

Just the thought of anyone harming Neuza makes me panic. My family has done enough to her... this time I won't hesitate to destroy them.

"Are you feeling ok Hajoon? Sit down I'll get you some water with sugar."

I sat down on the sofa leaning back as I closed my eyes briefly. Neuza softly placed the cup on my hand urging me to drink with a worried look.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah my dad just said some stuff to me," I tried smiling it off reaching to hold her hand.

If I keep holding on to her, my father can't force me away from her. Sometimes I still have the feeling that out of nowhere, Neuza will be ripped away from me.

That thought is terrifying.

It gives me crazy ideas. Like... locking her away from everyone so no one can force me to be away from her.

"If anything out of ordinary happens, tell me or Mr Kim straight away," I pleaded kissing the back of her hand.

"Why? What's go-"

"Promise me angel, it is important to me."

"I promise," she agreed straight away. "If I see a monkey moon walking I'm calling you right there and then."

We both laughed at her little joke. It made me feel a little less anxious but... I couldn't lose her.

"I don't want my family to get to you," I admitted. "If anything were to happen again, I would never forgive myself."

"Nothing is happening," she declared pinching my cheek lightly. "I have you. This time we're together, they won't get to us. It won't happen the same way."

"I... fuck Neuza I can't lose you. I-"

"You're not losing me. We're not losing each other this time," age whispered giving me a gentle kiss. "I'm yours. I'll only leave if you tell me."

"How could I ever tell you that?"

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